Why do (((they))) demonize tobacco and hound smokers?

Why do (((they))) demonize tobacco and hound smokers?
It's no more dangerous than alchohol, severe obesity and prescription medicine abuse
Everyone knows the risks, so why not let people take them?

Attached: smoke.jpg (1000x667, 172.96K)

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are you trying to justify that its a good thing to inhale tar & thousands of chemicals into your lungs & system?

its not.

Helps memory.

they collect billions in taxes from smokers
no one is trying to demonize it brah its all posturing

Organic tobacco retard

>muh white race
>muh jews
>but smoke the original jewish trick so you can die at 50 before your kids are even self sufficient and every puff tears your DNA apart making it less likely you'll have healthy kids at all bro

hey man, you have a link to that grow-your-own-tobacco thread?

(((They))) own most of the evil companies,
Cigarettes, alcohol, guns etc.
Europe had anti kike anti alcohol demonstrations in the past.

You are predetermined by genes if you get cancer from it or not and it depends which brand/the way you smoke. The tobacco in cigarettes is quite cheap and laced with chemicals. If you want to consume nicotine, you can do so in other ways, snus, pipe smoking, hand-rolled cigars... The culture around cigarettes is also a problem. You take rather frequent breaks for a quick smoke which adds up over the day. Pipe or cigar, you sit down, maybe even with a drink or a book and just enjoy. It is the same with everything, in moderation and with thought behind. Don't mindlessly coonsoom like a goy.

smoking started as a marketing scam and is universally hated

Smokers are selfish self centered cunts. Nobody wants to breathe in your gay smoke. Go suck on your faggot dick looking stick somewhere else.

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It's politically correct, unlike demonizing lard-asses who eat themselves to death.

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>another reason to quit

Because smokers are a minority, therefore, demonizing tobacco allows the majority to hyperventilate their inner violent and authoritarian impulses.

You can't do that against alcohol or junk food because a majority drinks and eats shit.

>tar is le bad
>carcinogens are le bad

lighting a smoke in the nursing home just for you

I don't understand it either. consider that smokers paya shit laod in tax, but then die of cheap to treat diseases. they die young (so don't demand pensions) they don't hang around with Alzheimers or jsut get decrepti adn last for a 100 years, needing help for thirty. they work theri lives out trying to pay for their habit then croak before they are seventy.

for all non smokers this is a hge benefit.

i encourage people to smoke. Let them pay for my long term care home (I don' smoke of course...)

My grandpa, who is an 89-year old Korean War veteran, has smoked cigs since he was 12. He still drives and is in reasonable health.

I am smoke free for 4 years now, missing it nearly everyday but I wont start again because that shit is so bad for you.

OP is a retard thinking the globohomos hate Tabaco as they made one of the most addictive substances widely available and they can keep cracking up the price and they will keep buying it..

Smoking is degenerate.

I have something better.


To many people were falling asleep with lit cigarettes, tobacco companies were forced to put fire retardants in with the tobacco. Imagine smoking that shit?

Attached: naziantismokingcampaign.png (754x396, 285.96K)

>smoking increases testosterone
they want you weak

Why go after alcohol instead of pot?

i roll between 4 to 8 cigs a day and i've been smoking for 6 years now. i dont consider this an abuse of tobacco nor is it insignificant. but the consequences are palpable, for instance i do semi-cough a few times a day so some brown goo doesnt sit and tingle my throat, smoking has taken a toll on my capacity to exercise and endure, i was never a sports man but it does feel harder on my lungs when running for more than 2 minutes or climbing the stairs. but the thing is, once youre into smoking for more than a year, you are at a loss of what to do when you cant smoke. why yes, i went to a caffe with my friends and have to smoke alone every half an hour, how could you tell (pic related)? oh, i dont know why im smoking every 30 minutes, must be anxiety or something haha. yes, im with a group of friends and its saturday but i still feel the need to "relax".
its clear to me, smoking is a drug, albeit not a very dangerous one like this user said , and after all, i anything, i dont see a reason living past 60 since youre all old and wrinkled and cant enjoy a walk without feeling the pain of your back, so this user , even while being sarcastic, is actually right.

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I smoke everyday, but I dont go fagging around thinking I'm not going to die of cancer, I know its killing me and I'm okay with that, I dont want to live forever, the stupid thing is to think that nothing is going to happen, I'm here to enjoy life and I enjoy smoking, I dont want to be "saved", I dont want to be fucking old, jesus, just fucking let me live and die as I fucking want to, I swear one day the goverment is going to fine whoever is closest to you because you fucking died

Would rather smoke cigars since the smoke doesn't go into your lungs but rather your mucus membranes absorb the nicotine

About 9 cases annually. The Fire Safety Board or whatever its called enacted this to remain relevant. No measurable improvement was detected after law took effect.

>Imagine smoking that shit?
Taste was easily detectable. No one should be smoking prerolled cigarettes of all things to begin with.

I highly recommend Swedish Snus, pipe smoking and nicotine pouches.