This cukold pieces of shit is now the laughing stock of the entire planet.
It will takes centuries for Russia to recover any credibility, not that it ever fuckin had any.
Crimea will soon be taken back, Ukraine will annex all of Southern Russia, putin will be sitting in the corner crying like the bitch he is

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burgers should be banned from here

Fuck off Bidenlover. I am not going to war with Russia.

>Crimea will soon be taken back, Ukraine

sure bro in two weeks !!!

This nigga got blown the fuck out by a old senile man that shits his diaper kek. So much for the big bad dictator.

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their plan supposedly is to invade at 3PM PST
i'll wait until 5PM PST to see if anything has happened
if not, then nothing will form from this
if they invaded, then it's time for the IRL warzone patch

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Show flag faggot.


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Have you taken your meds this morning?

Ok. Here’s your selfie back I don’t want it anymore

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>Maybe Russia will act as a distraction and people will stop ridiculing us
No chance fatso

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Hy чo пpoкcявый хoхлoшвaйн,бoмбит? Гoтoвьcя к зeмлe, пидap!ХAХAХAХA

Attached: kil all hohoSS.jpg (805x652, 41.99K)

Sage. All. Fields.

I hope the us army have some dignity and shoot Biden

Biden and Putin are on the same side, both anti-White.

Realistically none of it matters. Ukraine is and will be just a corrupt. Russia won’t kill gays as is the current propaganda, and if they did invade, my guess it would take a whole 48 hours for Biden to declare his own War Powers that Kamala would inevitably take over.
I do want to see a “happening” in my lifetime that isn’t the fake covid 19. Would be nice to see globalists scramble or a war to definitively decide globalism vs nationalism but it won’t happen.

nobody asked you Ivan

Yeah, if Putin doesn't go after all of the bullshit...and his economy is crashing? He'll truly be laughed at by NATO. NATO is gay sometimes, but they arent wrong. They called Putin's bluff.

In about 14 more days, two weeks to be exact.

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>2 more weeks!

You can just smell the cope, they reek of it. Goblino Globohomo wreck Putin with their senile leader. How fucking pathetic.

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HAPPENING is cancelled
he just gonna go to some summit and sign some worthless agreements