Why tho?

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because Russia is going to be a wasteland soon

There's a decision to recognise Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics, which will be followed by western sanctions.

not enough new users, same shit as Facebook

Sanctions are working.Keep putting the pressure on russian shills.

-13% is that a daily record?

>which will be followed by western sanctions.

But wait, will we crash too?

i have defended russia in the past but it has become clear that russia must share the fate of prussia
russia has to be destroyed before europe can enjoy peace

Of course

Europe will never have peace.
You will be replaced by turks lmao

just whales shaking off weak hands
MOEX to the fucking moon

Don't really know why we're doing it. They have 90,000+ soldiers at the border every year, just like we do in annual drills. It's retarded.

>western sanctions.

kek wich one.. russia is under "sanctions" for 8 yeas now...

Because when you go up against the west, it's more complicated than guns and tanks.
We own the banks, too.
Not advocating shit. Just an observation.

They just realized they live in Russia.

check the NYSE it's doing the same.


based. real purpose of "war"

Two side coin! Russian Markets dropped and the price of Natural gas increased by the 7%. Russia also produces 40% of European food. So Europeans will have a long cold and hungry winter! Thanks NATO!

russians getting aware that putin lost his mind and goes to war

>check the NYSE it's doing the same

Shit, EU too.
How fucked we are?

Yep. The threat is that they won't be able to trade in $s though.

check oil,
its doing the opposite
good thing I went all-in on it

Attached: 1643621089823.png (639x640, 527.73K)

good I can buy it cheaper....

Crashing their market to force Putin into a war he doesn't want