Jews are the worst thing that happened to humanity, all you need to know

Fixed, ordenated, worth sharing new link with all the info/folders:

(IGNORE) codewords to easy search in 4plebs:
Jewish folder thread, teaching newfags all you need to know, 12345678910, nsg, venezuelan user, truth about the Jews, final redpill, how to win

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dutch brother /nsg/ thread with great links:

Dutch brother /nsg/ colorized photos:

Attached: UPDATED INFO CHART.png (1330x3100, 2.95M)

All the images im going to post are already in the first folder and there is more in the others, im just going to maintain the thread alive, so just check the archive:

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news bump
and I don't give a fuck if you still believe the tranny lies about pnn/pnc
this is still one of the best threads on Any Forums and I will fucking bump it

>Macleod: Central Banks Are Now Insolvent

>Trump launches social media network

>Senegal: Protesters demand tougher laws against same-sex activity

>Florida mom finds her 2-year-old daughter ALONE and locked inside daycare after showing up a few minutes late for pickup

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Stfu anti-semite, jews live rentfree in your head

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So why would wooden doors not allow gas to kill someone? it may have some leak out, but it would still pile up and compound enough to be deadly, no?

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44 books debunking the Holohoax

Holocaust propaganda from the year 1915. [Six Million] (((New York Times)))

>The full truth about jews and WW2:

Some jews died in WW2. Some jews were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'extermination camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.
The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

wladyslaw bartoszewski was released from aushwitz because of his poor health.

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I'm just asking because i know you can still die from carbon monoxide in an area with wooden doors

oh look the ((((venzualan))))) shill bot is back

makign jews stronger by false flag stupidity attacks.

don't bother asking sensible questions - it is a bot, it cannot reply or justify anything it posts. it just spams the thread with the same crap every day

pic very related

Attached: hitler on arguing with holocaust deniers.jpg (612x792, 175.89K)

Well i mean i sure as hell don't believe it was 6 million, and the evil shit they do with foreskins and how you can't criticize that without it being a hate crime is enough to consider them evil for any sane person, or should be.

sure there are a lot of things that can be said about jews - Israel is a criminal state as far as I can see, in many ways as bad as the nawis. but it was about 5.5 to 5.7 million. from all causes ( so a few thousands of old age adn natural deaths) but the nazis did it. they ahd the motive (lol) the means adn the opportunity adn the balls to do it.
i love deneirs who say 'it didn't happen but we will make it happen for real because we are so much more bad ass than the SS"

but why would there be photos of these camps with like, pet farms and such? was it just to pacify them until they got the bullet? also there's always the oven question

The Israeli with French and British flag that shill in every holohoax thread appears again, wasting time with a payed shill like you is not worth it

Didn't happen, but it should have, discovering the lies about that and many other things is what make you want to make a real one, simple logic

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Ah i see, i thought the argument might have to be in the chemical itself then
about the doors though, couldn't it be said they would have men or some sort of tool blocking the door to prevent them from busting it down?

God i wish

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pet farms?

nope. Himmler ordered all the SS run camps to farm angora rabbits for SS winter coats. These were nto petting zoos for kids. There was no such farm at Treblinka, Sobibor Belzec or Chelmno. Auschwitz was a massive slave labour camp, a non jew political adn criminal prison camp adn POW camp, as well as a plce to exterminate teh useless eaters among the jews who were nto fit to be slaves.

none of the so called "facilities" at auschwitz or other camps (common to all labour camps) was inconsistent with mass murder, and terrible conditions.

and the oven question? Why did Auschwitz have enough ovens to burn the entire camp worth of people in two months, and had plans to build more ovens? that is the real question. Why did auschwitz have ten times the number of ovens per capita in comparison to other labour camps? why did they have 24/7 rota for the crematoria slaves? why did they have pyres as well to burn even more bodies when the SS said themselves that they could burn over 4,000 a day in the ovens alone?

and no it wasn't because of the well controlled typhus problem, or starvation caused by allied bombing because that never broke the supply lines...

>wasting time with a payed shill like you is not worth it


you had a little holiday for some weeks. Was it nice on the Red Sea?

the doors that deniers talk about were never gas chamber doors. the gas chambers had metal doors or heavy wooden doors sealed with rubber or felt seals around the frame, adn locked with ehavy iron hinges adn bolts.

the deniers post pictures of office doors in an air raid shelter. because they a re lying.

pic related - double layer oak door with heavy hardware - a bunch of naked old men and sick women would not push that open as they choked to death

Attached: auschwitz wooden door.jpg (300x219, 47.56K)

but there's photos of them petting the rabbits and a swimming pool

>post graphic with bit about masturbation machines from a novel by a Catholic Australian with mental health problems in 1990. Nothing to do with the holocaust or historical facts

>post a load of debunked stories that no historian credits are not part of the historical narrative
> thinks straw men are good arguments

> posts same shit every day despite told it is shit, because he is a fucking liar and shill

please show me the rabbit petting photos. Never seen them.

also the swimming pool? Built in spring 1944 as a fire fighting reservoir, used by the guards for recreation, diving boards added later at their request?

you think that the 120,000 slaves had a daily dip, then sat around playing with bunnies, and going for pny rides?

there is no contradiction in guards having time off and recreation, and the same men on duty helping to herd subhuman evil enemies into gas chambers.

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