White mans language

You will be able to literally right stuff and normies will not get it, only fellow bros.
Most strong ethnic separatism comes from people with different languages and it gives more legitimscy to independence and identity to its people

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fuck off

Do you have any better idea? Leftards abobdoned the language, we can clsim it as ours now


esperanto is extremely jewed

Your tower WILL burn

there is already a universally accepted white man's language. English.
You may not like it, it might be shit. But everyone knows it.

>Most strong ethnic separatism comes from people with different languages and it gives more legitimscy to independence and identity to its people
Which leads to, esperanto being a globalist hobby project.

Talking about globalists,
are there other symbols of globohomo?

>No spanish
The fuck this shit is

Yes, and what language did tupac shakkur used to sing his rap?
Oh yes english
What lsbguage is completelly pozzed with newspeak?
Transgederism and alternative pronouns?
Do you get my point now, sven?

Based. All academics get the killing fields. Fuck them and fuck their jibberish, whore, globohomo language.

At its beginning it was pure globalist garbage, but ss we know, creative people can mske wonders with almost nothing.
Shitty arab boats with sail winds were aprimorated to be caravelas by the portuguese
Venetians get shitty bambos fkrework launchers and made the musket
And we (or myself ate least) can make espersnto based

Is that going to be the language of Oceania?

You retard esperanto IS newspeak you inbred fuck it's made by a jew

Fuck off jew faggot.

>Language invented by a Jew.

Oh boy! I can't wait to start learning!

The only thing learning esperanto is good for is for brain training and for a bit of practicing on HOW to learn a new language

engl*sh already fills the role of globohomo language

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To be fair, you can fuse all other languages in the world, and it still would be inferior to the "language of Cervantes".

Okay i quit. I had this idea and thought it was smart but maybe you guys are right. Learning it would be a burden anyways. Im gonna stick to french and move on
>tfw at least you tried to do something

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>Im gonna stick to french and move on
Based, monsieur.

you've bothered to read the posts and reach a conclusion so you're not retarded, at least
>Im gonna stick to french and move on
now close the nu/pol/ tab/window and go hit 'em, slugger

Why not learn a Western (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) language instead... like Spanish.

every language that is used by a wide range of people is bound to degrade to the smallest and most common denominator. this is why english is getting bastardized by every ethnicity on earth and it's the same reason turks mutilate my language or the niggers next door doing the same to the french

you can fight it. you can even slow it down. but you will never keep it from happening just because language is a living thing. it changes with the people who use it and depends on the context it's used in

language is a barrier. but the barrier isn't between people. it's between your understanding of the world and how it really is. the borders of your language are the borders of your world. if you are unable to formulate something, you most likely are unable to think about it. but with this in mind there is only one logical conclusion

you want an artificial (jewish) language to replace an organic one with no adequately explored reason. instead of aspiring to learn many different anguages and confronting yourself with many different concepts for the same thing, thus gaining a deeper understanding of what IT means, you not only want to throw out your own historically rooted language but also want to pressure everyone else into doing the same. this will only lead to more cultural disenfranchisement and pave the way for globohomos one world government. but I guess if that's what you want...

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