You niggers are really something

No matter how hard they push the "WWIII is totally starting soon" narrative, nobody, not even most normies believe it - and even if they do, nobody cares, and nobody is going to fight Russia for ZOG's Ukrainian interests. They literally have nothing. Not even the tried tactic of spamming up Any Forums with nonstop fear-mongering a la Covid19 in December 2019 is working

Not only is nothing working to drum up fucks to give about Russia, but everyone is acting out against their governments as punishment for how they handled Covid. And we got this far because a bunch a Leafs stood up to their government!! How scared do you think (((They))) are knowing they can't initiate a war? They know they can't. They know the second they do they fall apart so all they can do is wag the dog desperate to start conflict and distract people.

They are so desperate to not get caught they're trying to nuke the chessboard. The JQ is now just an unspoken understanding, Nobody trusts the media and banks, and everyone hates their governments so bad the governments of the "free democracies" proved them right by branding everyday critics as terrorists and invoking martial law, further proving us "conspiracy theorists" right. The more they double down, the more awake people get.
AND to make the deal even sweeter, we have a complete record of every retarded, normie ZOG acolyte. We now have a clear picture of our active enemies, our stupid enemies, and retarded neutral people.

You madlads actually broke the establishment just by posting funny things on an anime board.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Someone shoot brandon so ww3 in minecraft is over already

Big if true

I like jacking off

We're still here

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10/10 fresh pasta would eat repeatedly.


i want the other pasta with the team trying to make PEPE gay

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>Counter meme
we talking source or classic?

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Love this pasta. but x to doubt on the McCain and Romney thing. Those two were controlled opposition the whole time... or was that what they meant?

Anyway the reason is simple. Evil just can't help itself. Evil tells you it's plans because evil wants to be acknowledged. Evil is child-like really, this is why utopian ideals lead to it. What do children want most? Attention. it hides the truth to avoid too much trouble, but when the coast is clear and it wants to marvel at it's handiwork, it blabbers always. Evil wants suffering. It tells people of it's ultimatums and gets off on the fear and confusion it causes.

When you put it like this, it makes sense that all the posts trying to get you to freak about the end of the world are doing it for evil reasons. Evil still cannot help itself. It digs into the bag again and again. Fool us once shame on us, fool us with the 38,000 WWIII is coming thread and we see the truth. Slide the truckers. Slide discontent and means to organize protests (Such as TruckOff) with stupid repetitive posts.

We see you. We know why you start wars. Add 2 + 2 and we realize it's the same people with the same interests.

It's been an honor to serve

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Honestly, I would be humiliated if I had to go on Any Forums at work. Well, they are getting paid, so it is not janny level.

We just wanted to chill

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They want a slave zoomie army to behave exactly like a volunteer patriotic army. They should have known their plans were fucked when tactical dilators were issued in basic.


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>establishment is getting broken and exposed by frog and wojack memes
Imagine being someone in the future reading this in the history books.

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fuck that one is good

I almost feel bad...

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good one nigger

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lol. there are hundreds of people who work for shareblue and CTR and other gay NGO watchdog groups who have interns and 14 dollar an hour employees reading this shit day in and day out.

this shit isn't even a larp. there are thousands and thousands of people who are paid to filter through internet boards. there's a great article about facebook moderators who were turned into nazis while being paid 14 dollars an hour to filter questionable content and conspiracy theories.

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