Get ready Any Forums. His return will be glorious. It starts this year with the midterm elections...

Get ready Any Forums. His return will be glorious. It starts this year with the midterm elections. Only death can stop him now.

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I'm never voting for an open zionist and/or a female.


entrapping more well meaning boomer conservicucks, pardoning more blacks and jewish spies, and not locking anyone up... so glorious

Fuck off normie
Captcha: P R A N K

Its going to be worse than 2016. The media will blow everything he says out of propertion and treat him once again as the antichrist, yet simultaneously give him wall to wall coverage and make him the bright shiny object that wins the GOP primary, (great!) but is disliked by everyone else.

He had the luxury of running against the most disliked political figure ever other than himself in 2016, and was a wild card no one knew what he would actually do.

Well now, covid will be over, but all the blue faggot infested nigger loving states will have new voting laws that welcome ocean freight liners of whatever scribble on a piece of paper constitutes a vote, will know their weaknesses from the obviously fraudulent 2020 election, will have a better barometer of how much to rig it against Trump compared to 2016 w/ Hillary, and plausible deniability to pass it all off as "Joe Biden may be universally despised, but AT LEAST HE DIDN'T CAUSE THE BIGGEST TERRORIST ATTACK SINCE 911"

It's tiresome, its predictable. Trump running is what they want. The right needs to play the lefts own game and run a token black female candidate to expose how fraudulent it all is, when she inevitably loses the black vote to an 85 year old Joe Biden at 90 to 10 percent hauls.

Its never been about doing what is smart and tactical when it comes to the GOP.

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I like Trump but he can't deliver, he talks a big game but he's too soft. Democrats are fucking shit up and running amok while the best he can do is fire off tweets and get mad about being not even allowed to use Twitter. I suppose it's not completely his fault when practically the entire GOP are a bunch of nigger cum eating cuckold faggots and all the people sent to him that would make "good candidates" for positions also turn out to be worthless dick puffers. Trump has got to go extra hard and drop the Jew advisors this time or he can go blow cocks into irrelevancy with the rest of the cuckservatives.

This is part of the plan. I didn't trust Trump after the Biden inauguration but Trump had to let Biden get away with it so the people would see that he actually did in fact steal the election

I seem to be out of the loop, fellow magapeds. Are we no longer supposed to use the "the elections are rigged for the Democrats" line? Or are we supposed to say that the Democrats unrigged the elections so that Trump can win?

>Didn't get the wall built
>Shilled for israel even more than normal
>Son in law is the antichrist
Fuck that. The only good things he did was annoy libtards plus the space force is pretty cool as well.

I'm still not taking trumps 5g vaccine. Fuck you

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russians stole the election. election fraud doesn't happen. OK BIGGOT?

He won’t lol

Voting isn't real. The richest powerful run the show.

I unfortunately have to agree with you, he isn't going to come through.

sorry, people don't believe in democracy anymore
no more election theatre for you!

everyone can see both wings belong to the same bird

I personally wanted him to be more aggressive and actually following through on half of his threats.
He’s too soft.

he's not soft, he's controlled opposition. get it through your head