Brain-computer chips

Hello Any Forums

I'd like to share with you what I believe the "plan" is in the long term in regards to computer-brain interfacing.

Before this whole vaccine debacle, I feel like this kind of thing would be obvious and wouldn't need to be posted, but time and time again, the world proves they are full of retards and there are vaxxoids reading this post right now who copes with every excuse under the sun about why their circumstance was "special" and why THEY "needed" to be vaxxed. This topic is very much related, as the technology always changes, but it always remains a gateway for the exact same playbook.

They are going to pull the exact same shit with brain chips as they did the vaccine, but magnified due to the actual tangible benefits that said technology will seemingly provide. As you all know, brain-computer interfacing technology is no longer a sci-fi concept, and it is is only a matter of a short number of years before they start putting them into peoples heads. Companies like Neuralink are paving the way for what are seemingly admirable outcomes (fixing brain-related diseases), but of course we know it won't stop there. This post isn't about Elon Musk, he is just a facilitator of the technology (whether you think he is malicious or not is irrelevant to this post).

As the technology advances to the point where it becomes a consumer product, that's when shit will really hit the fan. In exchange for a direct connection to your mind, they will offer you unlimited knowledge that can be downloaded from the internet into your brain. They will offer you video game experiences that you can really "live", and of course there will be the "mind-transcending orgasm" service. Depression gone, anxiety gone, you can feel like a chad 24/7. I'm not very religious, but for all intents and purposes, it's very much the "mark of the beast". It is not too far to say you are selling your soul for pleasure and riches.


Attached: Neuralink-graphic-e1594299472339.jpg (2200x1677, 138.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Unlike the vaccine, there will be MASSIVE adoption straight out of the gate due to the above promises with literally no propaganda required. People's downfall has always been convenience and more recently, the quickest way to get a dopamine hit. "The chip" will exploit both of these Achilles heels at the same time. Of course, there will be those who hold out from this technology, and won't want to participate. That is until you can no longer compete in the work force, because every other applicant has the chip and is an expert on the given topic. Maybe you find a way to make money otherwise, but you can no longer buy or sell in the "chipped economy" as real money is considered inconvenient (another reason why blockchain currency is being pushed).

And it doesn't end there. Of course, due to having a 24/7 connection from your brain to the internet, this makes a very obvious portal for "the powers that be" to influence you, your ideology and your behavioral patterns. TV and social media have already far exceeded expectations for the level of brainwashing they can do, now imagine that x100 when they can directly exploit your brains patterns to be a drone for them. A quick dopamine hit when you say "the leader is great", etc. They won't need to threaten you into it, you will FEEL GOOD merely by repeating thoughts that you think that you came up with yourself. We already see this in the social media sphere where people get dopamine hits from likes and upvotes for repeating the status quo, while all their retarded friends upvote them for a "thought well done", this will only get worse.


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>stop it
>stop grabbing my boobs and saying honk

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Eventually, the chips will be deemed "safe for children" and pushed to help them get a head start in life. "What kind of a parent are you that you don't want to give your child the best?" they will say. From this "chipped from birth" generation you will see the most zombie generation yet. Their brains never got a chance to do the hard yards themselves, to pound their brain thinking through a problem, or to reflect on something they've done poorly. Their brain will just become a receiver for the neural network, unable to formulate their own thoughts, not able to perform critical thinking. They will be a husk, only made to seem human by their implant.

I know that some of you will read this and say "yes, this all makes sense" and then go ahead and get this man made horror plugged into you the first time you feel some pressure, just like you did the vax. I'm just hopeful that some people will understand that it will result in permanent civilizational change, there's no coming back from this one. They will control everything about you.

Thanks for reading my blogpost

We need defensive mind machine interfaces. Right now, unlawful actors are already using mind machine interfaces, and modern medicine cannot detect them. Mind machine interface technology will make it possible to detect and counteract technology currently used to advance severe corruptions in society.

i'm willing to discuss sci fi politics if and only if everyone in the discussion is willing to admit it's sci fi

>Depression gone, anxiety gone, you can feel like a chad 24/7.
I already do feel like a chad 24/7, anxiety is a meme I put behind me, same with depression.

If anyone I know gets the chip I will laugh at them and start bullying them right there and then, I never got this "vaccine" too, why would I get a vaccine for a cough?

And sure there could be some benefit to the chips, but it is foolhardy to trust a corporation, or effectively a stranger, with the processes of your mind and nervous system.

none of this is fiction you retard, brain chips are happening and all the bad shit that will come with it

Refusal is not an option against illicit installation. Consensual installation allows defenses to be mounted against illegal installation.

>Their brain will just become a receiver for the neural network, unable to formulate their own thoughts, not able to perform critical thinking. They will be a husk, only made to seem human by their implant.

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yeah space travel is happening too but that doesn't mean star trek isn't sci fi

Kids will want them the most. Now that I'm older I can see them as a threat, but as a late teen - early 20s guy that kinda tech was something I was extremely excited for.

Good post. I like it.

I slightly disagree.

I think this brain technology they are going to seemingly offer is a distraction - possibly non existent.

They want people to keep thinking there is some "other" type of mark of the beast coming but the truth is, the mark is all about DNA changing.

They won't be able to do anything that they are saying. They know this. They are lying and they are going to continue to vaccinate after another pandemic. It will be mnra technology.

Now the next "vaccine" may not seem like the vaccine we are taking now. But it will have the same agenda - to change our DNA.

It is hard and sad to accept that so many have already done this like you have said.

Remember, Satan has had a while to think about deceiving the entire world. The chip is a distraction.

For more about what I think, see here:

>This post isn't about Elon Musk, he is just a facilitator of the technology (whether you think he is malicious or not is irrelevant to this post).
His rationale for the chip is very relevant though. It's not just employment that will become impossible without being chipped, it's life in general.

I read a sci-fi story a long while ago that was set in an automated dystopian future. At the end, the protagonist is rescued to Australia (I know). The people there are all "chipped" in that they have computers built directly into their brains and spinal cords. In their society everything depended on these computers. While you were walking through the airport, the signs weren't on the walls, they were simply broadcast to everyone's onboard computers. The people would decide what their destination is and the signs would automatically populate to get them there. So instead of seeing a sign overhead that has directions for all locations, you would see one holographic sign that said "this way." And everyone else would see their own sign. And the unchipped just see a blank wall. The brain computer was the only way to navigate civilization, talk to people, or use currency.

Tech is already vital to life. It's hard to imagine holding any serious job without a cell phone at least, if not explicitly a smartphone. Elon makes this point that you're basically a cyborg already in how much you rely on your nightmare rectangle, the neuralink is just there to increase the bandwidth. Individual resistance will be completely useless. Only communities can resist.

> unlimited knowledge that can be downloaded from the internet into your brain
Fundamentally impossible. The capabilities of brain interfaces are vastly overstated.

Your brains short term memory is essentially RAM from a computer-interface point of view. You don't need to download and store the information, you only need to "stream" it into short term memory. This is why future generations who adopt this from a young age will be up shits creek, because the technology basically dodges what the rest of the brain is SUPPOSED to be doing.

They don't even need a physical connection to your head to access your brain anymore.

Attached: Magnetism Plays Key Roles in DARPA Research to Develop Brain-Machine Interface without Surgery - Magnetics Magazine.jpg (722x7218, 2.69M)

And that's assuming we'll only install connection chips. There's no reason solid-state computer memory couldn't be installed for local digital storage.


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Damn, good way of explaining exactly how hard life can become without this. Good post
>nightmare rectangle
i kek'd

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And where do you think this short-term memory is. The brain is not a well laid out computer with data buses you can just inject data into. The brain is a highly distributed system. You cannot just ram a few wires haphazardly into the brain and expect to be able to assert any significant control over the brain.


is that tariq nasheed?

I am not a neuroscientist, so I can't debate about the technicalities of how they will implement it. But the whole idea of brain-computer interfacing was pure sci-fi not that long ago, and now they are testing it on Monkeys for their ultimate goal to use on humans. It's just another technology hurdle for them to overcome, one that won't be that far away. Maybe they channel it through your short term memory. Maybe they make you "see" it like when you day dream. Maybe it rings in the back of your head like a song you can't get rid of. Who knows? The point is, they WILL be doing it, right or wrong. The method can be debated all day (as another user posted up above, they can potentially even do it wirelessly), but they 100% want access to your brain and they already pour billions into doing this with social media.