/NZG/ - NZ GENERAL - Monday panic bake edition

Sorry, slapped together in a hurry

Oldie but goodie

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I still hate the antichrist

Fucking hope someone defaces that billboard with something toxically misogynistic


absolute state of these tards lol

what will it take for the average person in this country to realize their future and their children's future is being stolen by greedy investment boomers, the bankers that enable them and the politicians who work for the bankers to ensure the fucking continues with impunity

People don't think. They spent many years turning the average man and woman into retards quite successfully. It would take generations to undo the damage

Based department on the phone for this man

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You and I both fucking know the answer to that question m8. The issue comes when the consequences of answering that question come up.

Knew it would be the fucking mother trying to inject the kid...women are fucking terrible

from last bake

i feel like i have seen the ambulance more since the big vax push and mandates but also thought could be me just being skitzo guess i was wrong honk

based hope the kid doesn't get bribed into it by his cunt mother

From other bake (simple miscommunication between bakers)

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Gee I dunno, maybe you could post on an anonymous imageboard and preach to the choir? That way your lack of trying might feel validated then.

Got boosted on Saturday bros and my head feels fucked. Am I doomed?


She should have tried the transgender angle, would have got custody for sure.

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which judge?

It'd be nice if he linked the Saint Johns report.

Thanks, was about to do that.

you also can't post here anymore, you genetic freak

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that's the thing no one really knows what could happen to you in the future

yeah bro I'm just gonna take over the government all by myself.
there's no amount of will to action I can summon that will make any difference but patience in the hope it destroys itself for some reason which seems unlikely because most people love being enslaved by a system that fucks them in the ass everyday

Like some 19-year-old neckbeard is gonna tell me what to do. Go back to r/newzealand faggot.

A single person can do a lot of damage

would be good

really this should be enough for most people to say fuck that medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/safety-report-40.asp

For those SIS and police reading, that was sarcastic

McVeigh was highly motivated and probably did the most damage a person with a normal amount of power could do. still changed nothing at all in society

Who here was a town Gigachad before covid ?

>it's 'conversion therapy' to de-groom your kid
>it's not conversion therapy when we groom your kid though

I should have the right to give my kid electro-shock therapy if he tries to suck a dick.

Based as fuck as that is, obviously not the argument being made. The law enables conversion, as long as that conversion it to faggotry.
Some sick fuck can manipulate your child into cutting his dick off and taking it up the arse and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it as their parent.

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