Has anyone thought of just spraying LSD on the cops that are harassing people...

Has anyone thought of just spraying LSD on the cops that are harassing people? Like just squirt squirt mother fucker welcome to the tao. Or is it just me? A throw away drone army with mists of LSD. LSD water balloons. Am I on a watchlist now for even suggesting this? Am I the first person so say this. I'm sure I'm not. If this is the wrong board I'm sorry. Just with the whole thing in Canada I'm just mad.

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that's a felony, user.

Yeah desu why hasn't anyone done something like this?

>beats the shit out of you for an hour
>finally starts tripping
>continues beating the shit out of the talking seven-legged cheetah thing

Yeah, we wouldn't want to harm the people killing us. Then they win.

Your heart is in the right place. Go out and change the world user. Talking about it won't make headlines!

No I just stare into their eyes and put them in a genjutsu

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Shit's expensive

you are the biggest gorrilla nigger and a gay faggot.

We the change you wish to see in the world - hitler

i mean if you have the money for that go for it

>threatening cops with a good time

>wasting good drugs on cops


No it's not. 1000 hits is roughly 2000 usd

They're wearing gas masks user. When they're out in their ski masks you'd have to go straight for the eyes, which, if you're good with the drone, that would severely cut costs. They sell perfectly good analogs for the normal street price, so it's not like it would be hard to procure. Funny prank, haha.

Water bottles?

don't forget to get your latest booster shot user

sell me some, faggot. i have a couple satoshis, and would gladly pay three plus shipping.

I don't know drugs but wouldn't that be insanely expensive? I bet the cia does shit like that though

Where you gonna get that much lsd without talking to glowniggers?
All lsd dealers are glowniggers

There was that one time a cop busted a drug lab and accidentally poured a bottle of liquid LSD on himself.
Supposedly he absorbed 1000000 micrograms of LSD (1 Gram, or ten thousand doses of LSD) and freaked out for like a week straight.
Also I forget where it was posted, possibly on Any Forums, but there was some kid who poured liquid LSD on a guy who pissed him off and an hour later saw him outside getting arrested by police while he was screaming and crying.

Analogs nigger. 2 minute Red*it search for sourcing, perfectly legal in most states and all of Canada.

You'd need to mix it with some DMSO first.
Contrary to popular belief LSD is not active when it comes into contact with the skin.
>t. Handled liquid LSD often

I only accept monero user, but I'd gladly deliver some your way

Spraying lsd on people seems risky. You would have to take precautions to avoid accidentally dosing yourself.

Combine hallucinogens with propaganda positing that Saturn is a giant ice body and the only real body in space and we live on a defrosted land mass on the hexagonal polar cap of Saturn

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You can always try it. I'd watch; would be fun maybe.

No if I have LSD I'm saving and taking that shit I'm not going to spray it on COPS!
They don't deserve that stuff. Don't give them thrills they should never know.

i'm suddenly feeling very sleepy

it doesn't work without a transdermal carrier user

One time a dark net vendor accidentally sent me way more LSD than I had ordered and I wanted to burn through it cause I planned to stop tripping soon, so I figured I'd go all out.
I took some every day until I ran out, so I was basically tripping for about a month.
When it was finally over I had such severe DP/DR it took me a very long time to even somewhat return to reality, and I still never fully came back. It was a strange time in my life.

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>No it's not. 1000 hits is roughly 2000 usd
where?! It's $8 a dose all the way up where I am.

I think MDMA would have a stronger de-escalation effect but that is obviously a very dangerous idea that would get you banned from pretty much every minecraft server

LSD doesn't make people turn into hippies. LSD amplifies the subconscious thoughts of the person taking it. It only appears associated with hippies because hippies were the ones who took it.

If a truly committed authoritarian took LSD, he'd just become an Esoteric Hitlerist.