ITT: Post lefty mental gymnastics in regards to the convoys being a working class movement

ITT: Post lefty mental gymnastics in regards to the convoys being a working class movement

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That's a step up from "far-right"
When do they evolve to "mega supreme uber right?

fuck off im a good boy i studied hard and went to college where i became a free thinker and learned about communism to destroy the racist white ruling class. i went against the system and now have a real job with a political party and i get paid to share independent thinking and tweets. we are anti mainstream liberals and challenge trudeau and biden

It's like the covid variants, next will be mega-right and then hyper-right. Not sure what comes after that.

>the trucker convoy is bad because its actually not about vaccines its about hating minorities
i wish

Not only that but they said it was anti-science, which means this communist group supports big pharma

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>commies think anyone who does something is actually a glownigger too
how will Any Forums handle this one.

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I thought it was just because it affected the truckers that they were doing it. As in, if the covid rules didn't affect the truckers then they never would have protested
Maybe remote right or million miles away right, if it's some distance thing. The regular right doesn't really like the far right so maybe disconnected right. And the far right seems to have a bunch of far left views like group identity so maybe faux right

Yeah it’s not really about principals as I hope many people can see now. It’s about “winning and crushing your opposition at any cost, fuck our principals, as soon as they are all dead you can have your utopia and we’ll have new principles.”

Every movement that is made of the working class isn't automatically good. If you had a Klan or Neo Nazi rally it would be a working class movement.

>Anti-scientific discourse
>As a perjorative

If these faggots don't realize that it giant greedy capitalists that control the science industry and the information industry and decide what papers get published, what ones get amplified and what ones get buried in public scientific discourse in the pursuit of profit and further worker exploitation - there is no hope for them. Their modernized version of an ideology from the 1800s has managed to abstract and alienate them from the truth. These middle to upper middle class faggots have finally managed to fully disappear up their own asses in a puff of smoke.


This, just as women throughout history just fuck the winners the Hylic bugmen of today just flock to whoever has enough power to provide their creature comforts, funko pops, and entertainment.
They literally wouldn't care if nazis ran the ahow if they could still go see marvel moviez

Why do they not want to admit that it's a working class movement? They should be shouting for joy! It's the biggest happening workers have had for year

>ultra-instinct fascism

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>mega supreme uber right
That's me desu

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>If you had a Klan or Neo Nazi rally it would be a working class movement.
It would be FBI with jewish heckler and nobody else. The leader of the NAZIs would be a jew pedophile like Frank Collin.

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English please

It is, it is not necessarily a good thing though

The truckers are against workplace safety. When 5x the cops in the US die of COVID compared to shootings, you realize that getting vaccinated is the most important issue workplace safety.

Simple. Being the subversive, counterculture radicals is inherent to leftist identity. They always label themselves as the outgroup, no matter how many normies, media figures, academics, politicians, corporations, LEO, billionaires and their NGOs, etc. support their cause
>TL;DR leftists are delusional faggots

You have to go back.


>bored truckers who are mildly upset have a party
>ultra super supreme mega giga right wing nazi terrorist insurrectionist anti semites and their semi fully auto heil hitler assault horns and racist bouncy castles are trying to destroy the very fabric of reality itself
is there a limit to gaslighting or what

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Whatever, then a bunch of MAGAs in Appalachia. They might mostly be working class but in the end its their healthcare being taken away so rich guys can get a tax cut.

The logical conclusion of exponential doubling-down
>what if we're wron-
>*circular firing squad fires*

burgeoise = middle class
they've only been pretending this entire time. They want 2 classes. jewish bureaucrats making all the decisions and everyone else. The question I have is why are all these leftoids going along with this? Surely they've looked at other communist countries before. The bureaucratic elite is never made up of subhumans.

It’ll be different this time.

that's nice but I just don't fucking trust you to ever tell the truth, you see.

the RIGHT PEOPLE will be running it this time

>The truckers don't really want mandates to end. They REALLY just want to be racist!

Literally the same game plan as every other fucking hatchet job smear campaign in the past decade: call your opponents racist. I've had people who are centrist/left leaning even comment to me that the word has practically lost all meaning because it's used so flippantly or nonsensically.

Stop caring that these fucking retards call you racist, because even normal people are starting to realize that they're full of shit and will lie about anything and everything to get their way.

Because they're not actual working class people, they're champagne socialists with no skills or scruples.