How christian of you

How christian of you

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Also the NIGGER belt.

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, morals, philosophy, law, history, origin etc.

Christianity being in opposition to jewry:
Pagan gods being the angels
Historical Evidence for Jesus
How Christianity transformed the wold
Correcting claims on common misrepresented parts of the history:
Sodom and Gomorrah
"Dinosaurs", Behemoths and Nephilim
Teachings, Doctrines and Guidelines
Pauls work
OT and NT belonging together:
The destruction of the Temple
Logical argument for the christian God
Different teachings within Genesis:
Sun as symbol for God
Purpose behind good and evil
Afterlife and Judgementday:
Why Jesus is needed:
Role of the chosen people

Attached: Göbbels Christianity.jpg (850x400, 77.82K)

also all RED states HAHAHAHAHA

fpbp beat me to it buddy.


>implying is isn't because of Yankee oppression

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the only reason the rest is less obese is because they are aids ridden from all the faggotry and degeneracy that is around. the reason you dont have infant deaths and the like there is because the children are killed before even born. they probably dont marry either as they are too busy whoring around, hence no divorces

>use church to spread false message and gather money
>same system since the days of jesus, only the church changed

they still fuck children homosexuality mental issues obesity

aren't leftists always claiming that "correlation doesn't equal causation"?

>Ifunny logo

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, philosophy, law, history and origin etc.

Foreskin Sacrifices
God of the bible required the sacrifice of baby's foreskins for thousands of years:
David wields the power of 200 foreskins to marry King Saul's daughter:
Rabbi Jesus' foreskin was sacrificed when he was 8 days old:
Saint Paul sacrifices Saint Timothy's foreskin in the New Testament:
Foreskin sacrifices cause a long list of medical complications:
Foreskin sacrifices cause baby brains to not return to their baseline:

Spirit Cooking
Bull blood must be smeared on the horns of God's altar. The liver, kidneys and fat, burned:

Genocide of Innocents
For God so loved the world he killed everybody in a flood:

Divine Intervention - Gentile vs Jew
Egyptian Gentiles persecuted 600 thousand Israelites (for no reason as usual), so God punishes Gentiles with 10 plagues.
God finally kills random innocent first born gentile children to save the 600,000 jews from genocide.
The gentile genocide event is known as 'The Passover': -
Jewish Soviet Officer Lazar Kaganovich persecuted 16 million gentile christians. God does not punish Lazar or his people with 10 plagues.
God allows 16 million gentile christians to be killed. God blesses the Jew Lazar so he may live to the ripe old age of 97:
Rabbi Jesus celebrates the gentile Passover genocide with feasts:

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It’s niggers senpai

Yep, no other way around it. Went to New Orleans once on a day trip, looking at some figurens and whatnot. Some black trumpeter cussed me out and a black woman came out of her apartment and took a bath 30 seconds later in the morning rain on the side of the road. Only took her jacket off. No reason to go down there.

Funny how when leftists are making fun of the South for most of our problems they are really making fun of niggers.

"Those who are healthy have no need for a physician, but those who are sick do. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

This guy just can't be stopped!

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Why would any god fearing man concern themselves with an atheists kvetching?

CHURCHianity that rejects the very teachings of the bible can't really be called Christianity. They are mocking Christianity since they have subverted it all. Churchianity is nothing but politics based, not bible based. The bible defines Christianity, not the fucking poope or any other political wizard institution that simply calls itself "Christianity".
And the biblical Israel accepted their God Jesus Christ and became known as Christendom, Christians, which we today call White Europeans. These are the people that God predestined and made the old and new covenant with in His sovereign wisdom.

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Fpbp. /thread.

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Ever heard of the 95 IQ belt? It extends from the northern border of Mexico to the southern border of Oregon.


No one cares, schitzo.

What problems do you have that aren't mostly or disproportionately caused by Basketball Americans? Opioids are the only thing that comes to mind.


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>Christians are hypocrites
Wow, big news.

Protestants aren't Christians. Catholics aren't Christians. Orthodox aren't Christians.

It's also filled with Niggers which is why half of those things or more take place there, niggerlover

> Teen pregnancy belt


There Protestants not Christians that's why.
America is like20% but in reality only 2% practices it. That leaves 98% rest of the population full of these faggots who all accept each other and sin every single day. Some heretical reason they think its ok. With their personal relationship with Jesus bla bla bla all forgiven bla bla dont judge me bla bla bla everyone has their own interpretation of the bible bla bla bla bla everyone saved bla bla bla. Their "Judeo-Christian" obsession's, which doesn't even make sense, why is that even a term here in America? Thats literal a oxymoron. There no such thing as Judeo-Christian. Fucking Jew lovers.

Reason why the Church Condemned American in 1890s

The nigger belt