Fuck landlords

You wouldn't be able to hoard all the land without clown world overleveraged loans. You're no better than zogbots doing it for the paycheck.

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Quit being poor and buy your own property instead of complaining about your betters.

Dont blame landlords blame entities like blackrock man

>Quit being poor

I don't think you realize that entails a lot of parasites being dead first

If you can afford 1000+ a month in rent you can afford a mortgage quit whining no one owes you anything.

Do you realise that landlords were demonized by Mao andthe communists during the revolution? It's the same old strategy of making people hate other people. Same as the Kulaks in the Russian revolution


Most small landlords only own 2-3 properties, at most an apartment complex.

But Blackrock singlehandedly moved into major US cities during the 2008-12 financial turmoil and bought up massive sectors of the defaulted housing market. Racked up rental rates to the max level the market could 'sustain' and sat on the properties for a decade; even if they lost profit, slowly buying up more and more real estate with the ever increasing value of the assets they already owned. Thereby further increasing value (and therefore prices) artificially raising the average cost of the housing market until it created poverty scenarios where a majority of people are renting.

This is where Klaus' "You will own nothing and be happy" comes from. Literally Blackrock.

Larry Fink should die a horrible death.


landlords are only parasites if they own spare property to collect overpriced rents on, like a farmer with minimum effort

there needs to be new rules for landlords to curb their freeriding

Just evicted another belligerent boomer that thought she could tell me how it works.

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I think blackrock is just buying up houses because the dollar is losing value fast
either they sit on a pile of money and let it dwindle to nothing, or they buy up stuff and retain some value

don't think it's cause they got an email from klaus

Very true! Let us not be so easily manipulated.


If you were a landlord you will not be speaking this. Quit complaining egotistically

You should really take a harder look into the company and Larry Fink, then.

Blackrock was asked to come in and mediate the U.S. Federal Reserve during the 'Plandemic'.
There's another hint for you. Whether you believe they are doing it to safeguard their financial interests or to destroy the economy, it will still provide the latter as the outcome and should be stopped.

No company with that much financial power should be able to come in and buy up swaths of the housing market. They're not just doing it in the U.S. either, they're doing it anywhere they can. UK, AUS, GR, FR, etc.

Larry Fink is also a huge force behind the pro-LGBTQ/Tranny support in media.

>pay taxes
>pay services
>pay fixes

yeah, pretty sure are parasites

Everyone is going to be poor soon.

In order to establish dominance over the entire planet and its populations, the elite must create a society of equally impoverished slaves. This necessitates the elimination of the middle class and the concentration of wealth in private hands. As such, the United States as the driving force of the world economy must be destroyed and all populations impoverished to bring about the global plantation.

Yup, thinking based. Now remove the memeflag.

>1 post by this ID

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paid for with a fraction of the rent they collect, the rest they pocket for 0 labour

Go be a communist somewhere else.

but I'm not


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t. NeoCon landlord.

Your government can build endless non profit skyscrapers for low/no income persons and keep the economy rolling fast at the same time by keeping actually valuable people like trades-persons employed and the people who make their lunches at Subway.
The reason they don't is because they want stupid, leftist whiners to constantly be unhappy so they will do their bidding. You are fodder to the left, useless on your own, only good for the collective goal of ultimate power for the elites who smile and pander to you. You are not smart enough to have figured this out by now, when everyone else in the world has. Congratulation, you are the useful idiots.

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>Nigger doesn't understand principal amounts
It's all so tiresome
