Welp. You fucked around and found it. Think this little protest is all fun and games still?

Welp. You fucked around and found it. Think this little protest is all fun and games still?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-20 at 8.24.13 PM.png (2008x1490, 3.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>but muh optics
>but muh election
>but muh charters

I hope one of them does something crazy in retribution in Sims 4

Every action like this delegitimizes a democratic regime. Ask Yanukovych how this works out long term.

Already started. Anyone who opposes the regime is about to get fucked up the ass. They're starting to seize conservative party donors accounts too.


two more days

the EMA is an echo of the overall covid policy in Canada
1. routine event happens (cold and flu season/protest)
2. media narrative rolled out to convince the public that this is unprecedented (pandemic/insurrection)
3. refusal to employ known remedies to the situation (anti-virals/dialogue with protesters)
4. insistence that only the most extreme measures can solve the problems and coincidentally expand government power (vaxx mandate/EMA)

>Hannibal is at the gates!

In six months he'll wonder why all these lone wolf attacks are happening

The ema is going to be permanent according to Freeland. I don't doubt that the last election was the final one for Canada. There's no need for more of them during a permanent emergency.

The masses are actually pretty passionate about their hatred for freedom and individual choice, its actually kinda sad that only a few actually stand for principle

They better not push this too far. It’s going to create doubts about the banks. People will start taking their money out.

I hope Justin is talking to some sane people and is going to calm the fuck down, but every time he rears his head, he seems to double down on the crazy. I think he’s gone loopy. I have no idea what’s going on inside that noggin.

He’ll probably emerge next week, call everyone NAZIs and seize thier assets. In his mind, it’ll be an act of great heroism.

Why are they so scared of a fringe minority of nonviolent protestors? Wouldn't they only be worried about violent ones since that's the only thing that's supposed to work?

Attached: 1586527871690.png (615x473, 352.29K)

There’s only on option at this point, I hope you realize this Canada. It’s what we all must do

>run a criminal scheme of overtaking the world
>as a public politician and with constant media coverage

how are these retards still not in jail?

>oh no he better not do this openly totalitarian thing otherwise people might at one point in the far future give him some mild consequences
Fuck that. People need to be crushing the banks this very second. Organize bank runs the same way protests are organized.

Jail? Jail is for petty thieves
crimes against humanity warrants hanging after a trial at the hague

Stop using words like “you” and “we” when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Just use “I.”

One pawn has been moved and you think the war is over?

Fuck the police

Attached: 65zd3l.jpg (666x500, 104.35K)

Trudeau is a Pussy with a capital P. Therefore he was always more likely to become a tyrant.

Anti-mandate protesters vow to freeze Justin Trudeau and his entire family in Minecraft.

Dear Glowniggers monitoring this thread. I hate your precious faggot Trudeau and the fat faggot Doug Ford. I hope each and every one of you outlive your children and/or grandchildren.

they cowards who don't want to make waves, man children who will starve once the system breaks
and breakin it will

This is great our main enemy is the bankers more hundredth monkey effect in motion accelerate

Attached: 0ECEA379-9FA7-4505-9673-77A7C52947F2.jpg (1200x746, 191.48K)

>Welp. You fucked around and found it.
What exactly was found, care to enlighten us?
I feel like the troll farm has fallen to all new lows, this latest batch cant even spell correctly.
It's your job for fuck sake!

>conservative party donors
Anyone stupid enough to donate to the Kikeservatives is getting what they deserve.


Found out you won't do shit

Nah man, OP is clearing posting about a physical item. Can't you read?