Ausbros, I knew our gov was blind, but not like this lmao

Attached: scomoweld.png (475x374, 211.1K)

they just want you to think they're stupid rather than malicious

why not both?

The sad thing is, they're both

>permanently blinds self and sunburns
>I was pretending to be retarded
Global politics global theatrics, im impressed for the commitment

Hey retards, half a second of that shit will not blind you. It's called being "Arc flashed" and it happens to amateur welders all the damn time. You only lose partial vision for like 20 seconds. Try it out, look directly into a flashlight for 15 seconds then look away. Are you blind? No.

Arc welders are much higher frequency retard, every time you look directly at an arc welder or the sun your eyes are damaged

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

how many black spots are in your vision?

lets be honest, those abos set him up. They give the white dog cunt an overhead weld straight up first thing cunt hadnt even had smoko yet, ya carnt fuckin weld overhead on an empty stomach

Should've gave him a proper overhead so he gets a slag shower.

What a fucking stupid thread, minor arc Strike does nothing to your eyes
Fuck off you pampered retard

> he doesn’t sun gaze for an hour a day

His glasses would also prevent him from getting a flash, its still fucking retarded though.

I actually do sun gaze daily. Saw it on Any Forums. Your eyes are a muscle, you must destroy them to rebuild them stronger. When I lift weights until failure, my arms muscles get fucked and then rebuilt bigger and stronger. Likewise, a good hour of sun staring will make my entire vision black and green, but after three days when I regain my vision it's even better than before. After two years, my night vision and depth perception have increased drastically and my end goal is being able to weld without a mask. My eyes will be auto darkening like my welding hood, changing if I'm grinding/cutting/grinding.

they're not sunglasses, if anything, they focus the flash right into his eyeballs, making it worse

I'd reply but I know you won't be able to read this

Keep being a pussy you fucking pussy

Pretending to be retarded still makes you retarded.

What? Say again? It's hard to understand

They will still provide a barrier form the UV radiation, not a great one. but for the half a second of arc his exposed to its fine. Its not like he was laying down any beads.

yes, he's a fuckwit. this is well known. He never worked a day in his life.

Darkness of lenses has little to do with uvb uva protection
(Shade 3 lense can provide protection of a shade 14)

Klaus should of taught his young leaders how to weld

I wish he would've blinded himself and I wish he would've had his eyes ripped out and fed to crows. I'm boycotting Australia at this point. Fuck all of you. Just keep using microwave weapons on your citizens.

Why are all our 'leaders' such massive faggots?
These people are supposed to be the best of us, right.
They are nothing but massive faggots.

based abo. I toast my drink to you!

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imagine if someone read this and actually try this out


I came here to give thanks to people who didn't hold the candle for this useless cunt of a PM.

I will vote all independent and put the majors last to get the Senate MALDING like in Gillard tiems.

I sun gaze at night when the sun is at its darkest and you can look directly at it

>almost blinds himself
>from a 1/4 second arc flash
nah. Worst he'll get is a spot in his vision for awhile. You can't even get sunburnt eyelids in short arc like that.

Fucking safety sallies. Jesus.

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Jesus. Even the article reads like they've never seen a welder in person.
Calling a welding rod a torch is cringe tier.
Also, why would they start this nigger out welding on a vertical like that. And are they seriously running rods in a production welding shop?
Everyone involved should be put up against a wall. Out of touch niggers

None and I've done that to myself more times than I can count. Fuck I just did it today gouging ffs