Last. Warning

Last. Warning.
Stop trying.

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Fuck you. You are not in charge of me faggot.


Archangel Michael Himself

nothing but sliding

*cuts (the rest of) your glow-penis off*
kek nothing personal

What are you going to do bitch? Nothing as usual but lie. I can send D.I.A. to terminate you at anytime.


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i wonder how many glowfaggots we got to. how many of them came in here and were inevitably redpilled as the truth needs nothing to defend it.
welcome faggots, you're here forever

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Go fuck yourself

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if these guys seriously were not glowies then they were reddit faggots, who dresses like that? lol

Weak ass faggot. I am prepared for you already queer. You should see how many Alpha Draconians, Reptilians, & Arcturians are at the base in Antarctica. Getting ready to fucking kill your asses. In real life not a game. I already opened the Stargates. You are screwed.

>siding with reptillians

What are you going to do?

Exactly nothing pussy ass bitch.

You made war on me & Yahweh.

Big time consequences for that motherfucker.

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fuck you, we're imprisoning all of you maggots

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cant we airlift Britain (and scotland) into the Caspian Sea. it would fit perfectly, like its meant to be.

Is that reverse psychology or a impotent threat?

stop larping homo


They aren't nearly obese enough to be feds.

I will take a break because a few hours ago your cousin and I had a problem here. After another bigger problem about two days ago.