New USA flag

does Any Forums think this one is great, OR...

Attached: 2560px-Bandera_a.png (2560x1707, 60.32K)

maybe this one?

Attached: 2560px-Bandera_b.png (2560x1707, 71.64K)

>1000 hrs in mspaint

Both are shit, at least add some white to divide the colors

Attached: Adobe_20220221_024954.png (1920x1279, 318.84K)

I also think your cross looks like a bit... 8bit from far away. You should add a star instead...
I think this would be perfect

Attached: north-korea-flag.jpg (1920x1279, 194.82K)

If it ain't the onion jack it ain't nothing

Attached: images (6).png (715x429, 6.09K)

Now remove the red and add a star

ur so bad at this

Attached: Flag.png (1200x1200, 19.17K)

What’s the significance of the symbology and colors? Adopting a flag just because it looks cool is aesthetic faggotry

read the basic rules of vexillology you nigger
that is eye-burning trash

Attached: 1629422391102m.jpg (1024x492, 81.12K)

I feel that "USA" is old and outdated, so lets go with New Ulster.

Attached: Flag_of_the_Ulster_Defence_Association.svg.png (2000x1171, 223.84K)

symbol: see Hispanic Empire flag
red color: see Peruvian flag
blue color: see USA flag

Attached: 800px-Imperios_Español_y_Portugués_1790.svg.png (800x904, 356.9K)

Cute idea, except you're going to need at least 50 new flags soon. Start designing.

Attached: 1584779602354.jpg (686x526, 83.3K)

*New Hispanic Empire

Attached: 1607705644672.jpg (1024x555, 294.82K)

Stars n bars n haukenkrauz
But it should rhyme


If you think for even a second that the US of Ass is going to remain in its current size and shape, you are the retard of us two.
Do you want a certificate?

I’ll take a certificate if you’re giving them out anything to make my parents love me again

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Canton St. Gallen really should invade more countries to spread its coat of arms

Attached: AN66SAzcvqh8OBLC1GY0-59FdE2pltZPPM1PhcAttA=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no.jpg (900x900, 58.98K)

I quite like the top left.
Well, uncertain times ahead. No better time for such things than during a massive destabilizing period in western history.

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Jewish Cultural Subversion of late arrival Europeans allowed for Feminism, Careers and Coming Out to gut the Anglo-American culture in less than 2 generations.

As such they are not deserving to inherit the continents, so fate has reverted to the old owners. We will see if the Parasite can subvert them as well and soon the Red Man may return for full ownership once again.

Parasitic Subversion is the litmus test for civilization survival. Forget your ways and you'll lose your life (generational). It's that simple.

Attached: 1596415602297.jpg (933x621, 55.27K)

[freedom not found]

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Being a schizo, and a retard, are a bad combination.

Attached: funkytown courtesy of spics.webm (264x480, 1.95M)