Board culture

I’m confused as to the “how” and “why” this board has slipped from being a center-right/libertarian place to into full-on natsoc and /x/. Was it a shift in legitimate values, a hopelessness in seeing people try to create civilization, or just a total shift in userbase? When did it change from laughing and shitty black cities to full size n advocacy for genocide? It’s difficult to see the breaking point whereupon a bunch of Ron Paul advocates went from saying nigger in jest to a desire for race war, a culling of homosexuals, and longing for strongman rule. Makes absolutely no fucking sense to me. What did it?

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>What did it?

boomer election tourists + /r/The_Donald got banned

Probably white people tired of seeing their race genocided. Jews project everything of their own onto others...all the master race stuff was their own feelings towards the Goyim.

its an agenda being pushed to discredit and make it harder for such successful necessary ops to occur > transfer of information/ ideas

its like forum sliding.
plus when you add low IQ cunts to the internet ... the opportunities are not limitless..
this is it. this is the result. religion and race are for low IQ cunts.

>this board has slipped from being a center-right/libertarian place to into full-on natsoc and /x/


we're not right, left, center, lolbertarians or whatever We are contrarians. Now, you can take that knowledge and guess why there's so much natsoc content on here. Toodles.

Being a contrarian for contrarianism’s sake is artless and juvenile. But at least you’re honest, and I appreciate you confirming my suspicions. So we want to murder blacks, Jews, and faggots because the msm doesn’t? For me, it seems to track back to gamergate and the blatant hypocrisy of the media. But that’s it. Really? A total abandonment of principles based on…what? A balancing act? Seems disproportionate.

people always loved hitler here and the nazis, and so the lot of good they did, but generally, i would assume, still too naiv. they valued freedom and the like, but eventually it seeped through that freedom is just used as a cover to deteriorate and destroy the good while they actively and violently opress the forces of good. suddenly, people fearing a totalitarian tyranny of the government woke up in exactly that, and at that point, when they are already in a fascist statebwould like the state to be on their side. fighting fire with fire and terror with terror as Hitler stated all ideologies spread and fight another.
It was kind of like back in nazi germany when the war was going on all fronts but germany was yet reluctant to fully engage. allies spread propaganda that the people wouldnt want the war and want to capitulate to england like today everyone supposedly wants to capitulate before globohomo. So Göbbels asked the people "wollt ihr den totalen krieg?“ with the other option to capitulate, and all the people shouted "Ja!" For this same question we today now stood as well, do we, who like the nazis just wanted to be left in peace, capitulate or the total war, and the people, who just wanted to grill and play vidya, in the same manner answered with a definitive "Ja!" as well

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I'm a JIDF/ADL shill who makes antisemitic posts so that I can be sure to have a job combatting antisemitism.

If antifa is gonna bash your head in for being a libertarian you may as well be a nazi.

our enemies are children of the devil who have been liars from the beginning, for there is no truth in them. they are immune to "facts and logic." now it's down to helicopter rides, expulsions, and/or camps.

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When you stop believing in government god, it shatters your worldview and you look for something else. The Zero Trust world order has arrived and Whites want to return to kin-based institutions because the ones lording over them are not in their best interest, in fact, they're malicious.

When you realized the entire political theater, there's more slaves today than at any point in history and historical narrative is fake. There is nothing to reform because it was all built on a lie and no body is protecting you, you have no advocates and you're lorded over by thugs farming you out with blackbox AI.

let's make him proud


Libertarians lost arguments. More people read Hoppe. It became more obvious that nothing a libertarian wanted out of society was possible through their cuck individualism.

Libertarianism is an incredibly flawed ideology, it assumes rational actors. They get cucked in arguments every single time.

some had faith in men and no longer do. simple as. Christ is King.

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