No one likes him

Even hardcore liberals i know don’t like him anymore, my family who isn’t at all involved in politics don’t like him, everyones talking about how he’s gone mad.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before

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Other urls found in this thread:

I beg to differ
>t. Glowie

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You mean what’s left of the cops lol? So many resigned or just refused him. He had to get outside help ffs. He’s lost his support and he’s lost his mind.

Spoke to 10 tonight. 9 think you're a faggot.

>my echo chamber amplifies my own voice!

>I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before
Andrew Cuomo?

no confidence

twitter seems pretty bad with people supporting him. Ive seen so many based canadians lately its given me some hope but then there will be even more huge cucks on twitter that are demoralizing as shit. fuck Trudeau

The protests achieved real accelerationism. It forced the establishment to take action. If the protestors are smart they will do other protests. Justin Trudeau can be defeated his weakness is his zealotry and subordination to the WEF. When a zealot can't use subversion anymore and starts using force that means you have him where you want him.

Well obviously you guys are paid shills you even admitted to being a glowie, but you’re lying to yourself just look at twitter. His support is eroding away its pretty clear. Even Trump had more support and that dude was hated by everyone, truly sad to see him go down this road, I didn’t even think he that bad until now, imo he should step down but it’ll be interesting to see what happens.

In a simulated world. The battle is for the mind. Trudeau just made the battle kinetic. He is not subverting you to follow. He is now forcing you to follow. Trudeau has just lost legitimacy.


so in other words he’s lost the plot, and the people behind him, “tptb” or whatever aren’t too thrilled that he’s making a scene? Wonder how that’ll end

He got rid of a bunch of unlawful occupiers so idk why people would hate him.


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simple, because people supported a peaceful protest, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that especially if majority of the country agrees, and other countries too btw

Except it wasn't peaceful.

More like Trudeau now has real opposition to deal with but because his master's plans are being implemented he doesn't know how to deescalate or how to tolerate the other side. Trudeau has only one purpose and that is to implement the great reset.

I like him. I'm trans, btw.

kys, faggot.

get bent faggot

All Trudeau needs to do surrender, resign and turn himself in. He's literally asking for death with what he is doing right now.

Which one are you?

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Prove me wrong.

Dude is 100% a narcissistic psychopath.

you’re right the cops stampeding the old lady in a wheelchair wasn’t exactly peaceful, but the actual protesters did nothing wrong apart from having a good time, is it now illegal to have peaceful protest and demonstrate it with love?

Makes sense. You have accept the worst examples in everything else in order to be able to accept "yourself"

When you have large gatherings like that accidents can happen.

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He got Nazis out of Ottawa. He is the law and order leader. I'm with him.

You have to understand Trudeau's mindset. He worships man. His goal is man's conquest of nature. He was sold on the great reset long ago. So his mindset is he doesn't care what citizens think they are in the way of this great project being implemented. He doesn't think he is in trouble either since most world leaders are on board with the great reset. As for nature did you notice how a tranny just replied they support Trudeau. Now you know why.

I agree, but no “accidents” happened with the protesters, just the cops. Actually the only violence from these protesters came from that counter protester/antifa guy running over the guy with a car lol. Bit odd I’d say

Tell them Im sure they will get a chance to vote him out bro.
For sure bro.

Trudeau will end up in prison for crimes against humanity. Screenshot this.

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prove what wrong? Did the truckers burn down Ottawa? Did they kill shopkeepers? Did working class people lose their jobs? Did small bussiness close? Have criminals been relesed into the public? Have those criminals gone on a crime spree including killing and raping Asian people? No

It's worth pointing out that Biden is who told Trudeau to invoke the Emergencies Act.

Shoveling snow = violence.

liberalism's goal is man's conquest of nature. Faggots and trannies are attracted to liberalism for this reason.

you mean the literal false flag where the cops are hanging out at haha? Cmon user..

It's glownigger, pussy.
Also you're full of shit.

It was just like blm right? Fuck off

Biden is implementing the great reset in USA. I think the difference is Trudeau is a true believer of the church of the WEF. Biden is a corrupt scumbag who was probably bribed into going along with the great reset. Biden litterally said he was "a prostitute" in the 70s.

The Mad king

They'll pull the plug on him and put a new puppet in power

>I beg to differ
Where is Tamara?

Yeah he messed up by going full fascist.

>His goal is man's conquest of nature.
The Great Reset looks more like worship of nature to me than conquest.

Twitter isn't a fair battleground. Anyone who has been voicing opinions about the bullshit is reply hidden and shadowbanned. Normies will not get to the bottom of the comments to get the other ones. What you are seeing is the battle of shills vs normies who previously held the opinion. Very whitepilling.

Living in Canada is scary as fuck now. The only thing worse than the corrupt communist government is the NPC reddit tier Canadians.

These people would rather blame and bash on 20% of the population for not getting the vacc rather than ask the government why we are locked down again and why we have to mask again.

Made me realize how socialism and the wheels of history have always turned. Government sets rules and businesses/citizens get propaganda rammed down their throat until they uphold the governments rules. Nobody is calling police, nobody is being violent or standing up for their rights.

What are my fellow canadians doing ? I live in Alberta and am self employed but It's only a matter of time until I feel my income will be effected. Disgusting country full of weak people who are happy to take away their fellow mans rights and keep chasing the carrot on the stick.