Marek's was the goal

Marek's disease used to be a common cold in chicken farms. Due to the overuse of leaky vaccines, the evolutionary pressure to be less deadly no longer takes effect, and mutations can freely ignore their deadly effects and still be transmitted freely in the vaccinated poultry. problem is, when a new chick is born, after about 2 weeks when the maternal immunities fade after birth, if it is not vaxxed, it immediately gets lymphoma and dies. From common cold to cancer.

I think the elites were trying to emulate this same behavior with Covid. The 70% vaccinated target by Bill Gates must have been the lowest % needed in the simulations to create such a deadly strain that could hit the masses. When the original variant came out, the first item was to slow the spread. This buys time for the creation and rollout of a leaky vaccine. You need to buy time because eventually all virii end up with a dominant strain that is generally non-lethal with a very high transmission rate. Once that strain hits, it is basically an innoculation against further variants in perpetuity.

Every policy was to slow the spread so they could reach this magical 70% vax rate. When you slow the spread, you slow the opportunities for mutations, which slows the inevitable final dominant non-lethal strain.

Think....locking schools, churches, businesses, etc to minimize spread. Sending into elderly homes the infected to show deaths to scare the population. They said one shot would do it originally, but all the vaccine cards had spaces for 4 to 5 records (that's sus as fuck).

In order to do this, you would need a global coordination to lockdown the population.


Imagine if the entire world was dependant on a vaccine, one that had to be distributed every 6 months, or you would immediately get cancer? How easy would it be to control the population then?

It is no coincidence that the Omicron variant came from a continent with the lowest vaccine rates. Thank God for Africa.

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Notice what happened when Omicron came out. Most elites started to give up, even when the infection rates were through the roof. This is because it was impossible to create Marek's now that nature had already given us the cure. It was a moot point. Everyone else shilling for vax and masks has just been completely compromised by the fear porn psyop.

Now Bill Gates wants to get ahead of the curve for the next new virus and have the vaccines ready in 6 months.

Remember, this is also the guy that said we needed to kill off 15% of the world's population due to climate change.

You heard it here.

Chickens stacked on each other is much different than human environment and hygiene. Marek is also herpes type virus. Marek type scenario was never gonna happen. The goal was the vax in as many people and the injected spikes will do the rest

I think the spike deaths are an added bonus. I don't see why a Herpes vs. Corona type virus makes a difference, they both have the potential to mutate.

Good post. More content needed liked this.

well according to agenda 21 or kalergi plan they will release hemo-fever shit or smallpox

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>It is no coincidence that the Omicron variant came from a continent with the lowest vaccine rates. Thank God for Africa.
Probably thank God for China.
I think China released the first one, either deliberately or accidentally. The I think they panicked when they couldn't keep a lid on it and too many people asking questions. So I think they went back to the original strain, tinkered with it to make it more transmissible and less deadly and then released it in Africa, where they have plenty of foreign workers.
Remember, Omicron didn't come from any CURRENT strain, it came from the ORIGINAL with over a dozen new mutations, almost like it had been sat in a lab somewhere.....

Thanks user. We need more awareness of the danger of leaky vaccines.

This is the best case scenario and absolutely possible. However, if this is the case, this won't end here. What also speaks against this is opportunism. I believe there are lots of different goals piggybacking off the main goal in play, whichever that may be. Global ID is certainly one of them. It's still to much of a change for only two objectives. No sane think tank would've developed this giant global narrative based on only two objectives and there's not enough personal incentive to get most leaders of the world on board with only that.
Killing off a huge chunk of the population through the mrna vaccines and other far out there theories are still on the table.

Makes sense, that's how we get MRSA, through the misuse and overuse of antibiotics.

Good article in National Geographic pertaining to Marek's.

Is this guy a Doctor? Why is he being quoted so much giving medical information, Fauci isn't even opening his damn mouth anymore yet this guy continues calling the shots..

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Not really sure tbqh

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Is this available anywhere without a paywall?

>I think the elites were trying to emulate this same behavior with Covid. The 70% vaccinated target by Bill Gates must have been the lowest % needed in the simulations to create such a deadly strain that could hit the masses. When the original variant came out, the first item was to slow the spread. This buys time for the creation and rollout of a leaky vaccine. You need to buy time because eventually all virii end up with a dominant strain that is generally non-lethal with a very high transmission rate. Once that strain hits, it is basically an innoculation against further variants in perpetuity.
I don't think so dude because if they really wanted this they would just come up with the vax and all the rollout implementations before releasing the virus.

>nature had already given us the cure
Nope. White hats got ahead of it and developed the cure.

The other item was the Build Back Better program that was touted in a lot of countries. The similar messaging globally hit a creep note within me.

Post disregarded

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Omnicron is a white hat bio-weapon to give everyone immunity from covid.

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>Remember, Omicron didn't come from any CURRENT strain, it came from the ORIGINAL
Huh, what? They were telling us that Omicron is a mutated Delta.

You so sure they made that vaccine in under a year?

There is no omicron. It’s vaccine side effects.

It’s all just a cover for it.

To immediately have the vax available would have been too suspect. That's why Bill Gates is now trying to get a 6 month vaccine deployment. This is a setup to make us feel comfortable. These pandemics happen once in a lifetime, yet he's prepping already for the next one.

I don't think they can create stuff in a lab, just cut and paste from nature. The same type of raw processing power to solve the protein folding problem is about on par with cracking the latest Bitcoin encryption. I'd we could create new proteins reliably, Bitcoin would have been cracked.

I consider Blockchain as the canary in the coal mine. If that is brute forced, then we finally have the capability to create horrors beyond our imagination.