So when is this happening

Whens this shit kicking off?
To me it seems like a jewish puppet show for normies.

Nothing is fucking happening
Even the snuggy man knows this is all fake and gay

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Why is Any Forums so impatient

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>press x for doubt

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I hate you. I hate your new gear. I hate your dumb ears on your dumb head. If you work for a 3 letter agency tell them the outfit is dumb as fuck dude. It's bad.

cringy teen

I dont but you clearly do
touch grass

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It's not happening.
Americans have been domesticated and neutered, they are now all bark and no bite. Even the leafs managed to organize some sort of resistance with their trucks and honks, whereas you can't or simply don't want to do shit despite all the guns and second amendments you're praising.
Chill out, drink your corn syrup, smoke your weed, renew your netflix subscription, and repeat after me: I am free, I am free, I am free.

wars of attrition don't need to go kinetic, user. You sit around, buying more bullets and first-aid, and alcohol and tobacco. While they get to dismantle the world you know and love, piece by piece.

Oh, it's you again. I thought I bullied you off this board forever. The manlet airsoft wielder with the faggoty snuggle clothes is back. Tell me faggot, you done any pushups in a plate and your 4 lb bump helmet? What rings are you hiding on those tiny little hands? Why is your head so narrow and little? Your helmet looks like a mushroom cap on top of a townhouse you narrow-assed faggot. I bet you can't run more that a mile in any "gear" you own because you are afraid to leave the house wearing it in the first place. The problem with "men" like you is that you have never done anything manly in your life. You will never tell a boss to go fuck himself. You will never fight your dad. You will never conquest anything, beat anyone at a significant competition, or any of that- but here you are thinking that some clothes and mag pouches, along with a tool or two makes you into an operator. LMFAO FAGGOT.

nice fed sprawl formatting
youll never get rid of me

>b-b-b-but if society doesn't have rules, IMA BE SO BADASS!
You will sit in the bread lines. You will beg for food. All this shit will sit in your closet because an actual economic collapse isn't cinematic or like a video game. What you will do is simp, cuck and fag the fuck out because that's what you did before anything was anything else. In the end, times are easier now than they ever have been. If you couldn't hack it now, what the fuck makes your tiny, weak, irrelevant, dumb, poorfag ass think that when the difficulty in life is turned UP- you will do better? ITS LAUGHABLE. You failed on easymode you fucking dork- when things get harder your outfit won't help you.

Did you really expect me to read all that shit nigger?

Everyone should practice their second amendment rights!

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I have more guns than you do, but you see kid, mine are real. I also don't take picture of myself wearing them in my mom's bathroom while hiding the rings on my hand because I'm sooooo scaaaared of conflict while posturing online like I'm a warlord. You are a 5 foot nothing faggot wearing airsoft gear and fursuits living in your mom's house. No circumstances or memes will change that.

Keep bumping my thread fed boy

You're right, nothing ever happens

>everyone that disagrees with me is a fed
The strangest cope is thinking that anyone that makes fun of you is some federal agent that makes your relevance elevate beyond what it really is IRL. DESU user I feel bad for you. You are so desperate to matter, that you do this shit where you put on 12 dollars worth of plastic gear and a 50 dollar fursuit, take pictures in momma's bathroom, and pose with them for anonymous people online- and you really think that anyone criticizing THAT behavior must be some kind of government employee? Bro, you are so fucked. Let me guess, you were a "gifted" kid according to two teachers growing up, but you just needed to "apply yourself" LMFAO FUCKING PUSSY ASS BITCH.

Lol what the fuck are you copy pasting your responses from previous snuggy threads?

fucking feds
how does it feel knowing ive never done anything wrong and youll never "get me"
boomer feds are fucking inept and dickless

now please keep bumping my thread

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First off, threads only get bumped on unique replies and images, newfag. Second, nothing you say will ever make you taller than 6 ft, capable of owning real weaponry, or able to fight off anything other than a cold. YOU ARE A FAG, SNUGGY BOY. The world didn't make you into a failure, you just ARE that. When the world changes, you will still BE that. Go ahead, say I'm a glowie or whatever, you won't have any other response. You know what I'm saying is right.

Someone played a little too much CS, next thing you know you'll be dual-wielding beretta

Then OP ran away and cried. Again. lmao fuck this faggot so much.