ZOGbots attack another old lady and threaten to destroy cafe


Attached: zogbot.jpg (602x656, 100.08K)

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>threaten to destroy cafe

Full tyranny mode.


Attached: zogbots (2).jpg (620x841, 84.79K)

Good, any competition to Tim Hortons is bad for Canada

iran is so based and redpilled am i right or am i right

mild heh delivered

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...claim all over the internet that the protest will go on, set dates, every week, and every week the ZOG bots are forced to harrass the shitlib local population, after a few weeks, even the shitlibs will get pissed at the zogbots.


zogbots hate it when you film them committing abuses and atrocities.

Time to bring back organized crime and pay protection money to keep out the real criminals, the police.

I'm 100% sure that these people aren't national socialists.

For a while there was the rumor going around that the guy who got trampled died. I don't think it turned out to be true but this cop couldn't have known that when he smirked on hearing it.

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So, ANTIFA found badges.

So Canada is turning into Australia?

I guess that was before the horse trampling, so maybe someone was hurt / died. No real way of knowing since the RCMP has been completely untruthful about everything so far.

>So Canada is turning into Australia?
Canada, US, Australia, NZ are all turning into the same thing.

These people are fucking swine and undeserving of respect or dignity.

. .

Fuck I want to kill these stupid fucking thumbs.

One day following the fall of OTAZ (Ottawa Trucking Autonomous Zone) The occupying forces have bullied and injuried 3 grannies and threaten to arson a store for not following clothing mandate

MAybe you all should play music really loud and dance in the middle of the street to show how serious you are about this :)

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>Canada, US, Australia, NZ are all turning into the same thing.
This, sadly. The US has the best chance of resistance, given their constitution specifically forbids a lot of the shit niggers like Truedat want to do, not that anyone in charge over there is paying any attention to it, but Australia, NZ and Canada seem to be absolutely locked into a race to devolve into 3rd world shit-holes the fastest.

that's more of a nervous smile than a smirk

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The constitution is just scribbles on paper.
If the people with a lot of power decide it doesn't matter, and the citizens don't resist, then it doesn't matter what the constitution says.

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Don't forget this chink

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Her body is ready

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>why's the camera in my face??
They seriously act as if they don't walk around like a gang constantly filming with body cameras intimidating people. You faggots aren't cops, you're criminals.

Why is Britain so slow in catching up with yous

Stop spreading misinformation chud!!

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Someone's on the case

Attached: OfficerJones.png (620x320, 61.19K)

Seems like the same zogbots from Australia same aggressive actions. Strong city network with their globohomo zog force

Freemason cops are desperately trying to uphold the mandates on behalf of Trudeau. Trudon't

Attached: Anglo masonry .jpg (720x906, 134.1K)

Normies support this.

Mad Max calling out zogbots

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Hmmm yes, I sure would hate it if someone were to verify any of this information I have posted. God forbid the chink who stopped the Honkening and the wife beating cop were doxxed. I'm sure they didn't revel and participate in all those donors getting doxxed and depersoned.

All cops are the same as far as I have seen in my years.
I think it's the selection/training system that only lets through one kind of personality.

No doxxing on Any Forums, memeflaggot.

kek the downtown businesses that they used as a casus belli are getting rekt

>not mild "eh" delivered

Listen to their words when they talk about protestors or whoever they're criticizing. It's projection, ALL of it. Those words are what they are going to do to you.
They talk about occupation of the city by protestors?
They will occupy the city
They talk about protestors shutting down businesses?
They will shut down businesses.
They talk about threatening behaviors and violence?
They will commit threatening behavior and violence.
They talk about protestors trying to over throw our democracy?
They... you get the picture.

almost all cops are masons, thus the "brotherhood" and at that they are all low golem-tier blue level masons

literal zogbots

people cope in many and sometimes crazy ways
some people smile and laugh when nervous
but in my experience it goes away at adulthood so idk

This. They start with a pool of people who have no other marketable skills other than being bouncers essentially and then select for the most soulless robots. They all stay in line because 1) they have no conscience and are npc's anyway 2) they know if they do step out of line they will lose their only feasible source of income and possibly go to jail depending on what they do to get raped/killed.

LOL get fucked, they cried they had to be closed because of the big bad protestors even though they'd have made a killing if they stayed open
I wonder if they still thik this was a good idea

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I don't doubt 90% of Any Forums would let a cop fuck their wife and suck the juice off their cocks.