Have any of these "anti Israel boycott" laws ever actually produced criminal charges?

Someone made this thread before. It sat dormant for a while before someone came in and attacked the OP as "defending Trump" when they hadn't even mentioned Trump. When I pointed out it was a criticism of such policies as being ineffective, and in effect being criticisms of the politicians that issue them, the faggot called me a Trumpjew coping. The chimpout was hilarious. It's like an IOTBW for Any Forumstards with TDS.

So...does anyone know if these bills have done anything but serve as lip service for kikes? I would assume the only thing that might happen would be pulling of contracts with businesses that do business with government, but Trump's antisemitism EO was for college campuses. Any record from groups like FIRE of students getting penalized for being anti-Israel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jews are an easy scapegoat for the sins of society, as the Jews exist as an eternal outsider given that their Covenant with YHVH explicitly separates them from the rest of humanity (Jew vs. Gentile). Given that the Jews perceive themselves as separate from goyim, it's easy for goyim to blame them for their problems. Plus, Jews are a uniquely successful race - thanks to their emphasis on education and maintaining strong homogeneous communities - which makes them a more compelling target when things start to go wrong and people notice they're not the first to suffer.

>Semitism (n.)
1848, "characteristic attributes of Semitic languages;" 1851, "characteristic attributes of Semitic people," from Semite + -ism. From 1870 as "Jewish influence in a society."

what is wrong with being against jewish influence in non jewish societies?

Yes, if you look up the anti-Israeli-boycott provisions, American companies have paid millions in fines for supplying information to foreign companies on business with israel. So they are enforced.

>america isnt a christian nation
ok fine so america is a jewish nation. as a result, america being a jewish nation validates anti semitism, just as america being a christian nation validates anti christianity

why can't whites have a homogenous community?

Do you have a source for this? What were you even trying to say?

Don't really care. The fact that these republican faggots even go ahead with these Jewish laws is all you need to know.

It seems more like It's just virtue signalling/pledging subservience to the jewish world order.
>Dog wants to make master happy
>Dog sits and shakes
>Master lets dog know dog is a good boy
>Dog is good b(g)oy
>Dog gets treat

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this is copypasta

That's how jews do it. They push and push until it's illegal to say anything negative about jews.

Attached: Desantis (2).jpg (975x965, 203.53K)

Also, remember this shit?
He's full-fledged goy toy.

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Along with every other American politician, it seems.

Attached: KNEEL_TO_YOUR_MASTER_PEDO_PUPPET.png (868x677, 505.8K)

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Ah, the American (see: jewish) dream.

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Whiteness is kikes "scapegoating" whites.
Anything whites are "overrepresented" in, kikes are overrepresented in by orders of magnitude more.

Make no mistake about it, we intend to keep bashing the dead jews, and the live ones, and the jewesses too, until the social construct known as "the jewish people" is destroyed - not "deconstructed", but destroyed.

I think a teacher in Texas lost her job as a result of such a law.

>and the jewesses too
Top kek
Unexpectedly humorous

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Because all whites must be removed from this world and certain key way blood lines must be corrupted so that permanent possession and enslavement of this world can happen by certain negatively influenced factions from what I hear.
Humans are always manipulated against each other by lower and higher order beings. It’s been like this for a very very very long time.

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Kek, he sits on the board of a racially exclusive jewish school with a disproportionately high rate of acceptance into elite universities.
He also coincidentally sits on the board of one of those elite universities.
Even acknowledging the potential conflict of interest is antisemitism.
Meanwhile all the worlds resources must be mobilized because whites are 1% overrepresended in mountain climbing.

>what is wrong with being against jewish influence in non jewish societies?
I never implied there was anything wrong with it. I want Jewish influence greatly reduced. I just want to keep their khazar milkers and comedy(not the Seth Rogen/Judd Apatow shit).

Zion ron strikes again

>It seems more like It's just virtue signalling/pledging subservience to the jewish world order.
Exactly. I'm not defending such measures, but I have yet to see real evidence of it having any real impact on people, except furthering the psychological conditioning of "OY VEY DUH YOO HATE JOOOOOS GOYIM REMEMBUH THUH SIX GORILLION!!!11"

But it's not illegal to say anything negative about them. It's effectively a condition of doing business with government not to do so. If you're not doing business with government, nothing stops us from saying gas the kikes.

God damn I love the fact I am living rent free in some migapede's head. Nothing better than coming back to browse and see he's still seething hours later

It's just a sign of submission. The laws themselves are irrelevant.

Texas has really turned out to be such a disappointment of a state. For years it was portrayed as this rambunctious right-wing stronghold, and in the last decade it seems to have become the new California. Remember when they used to talk about secession all the time? Now parts of California talk more about secession.

I want an Israel for European Christians. Let's call it America 2.0 / redoubt.

>27 responses, nothing to do with Trump
>bargle bargle miga miga
Speaking of rent-free...

Your pic is about antisemitism not BDS.
BDS is about Israels policies and lack of accountability.
Abby Martin's speech was canceled because she refused to sign an Israel loyalty oath.