Why is the British Museum promoting trannydom, niggers and faggotry?

Sick of the skinsuit bullshit.

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wonder why
it's like the UK changed from "the empire where the sun never sets" to a globohomo decadent island
why didn't you hang the queen for treason yet?

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They are tranny nigger faggots?

Really sad as a parent that Manchester museum has got rid of the dinosaur section, to make way for more diversity displays. Liverpool still OK but expect it won’t be long before it gets closed for (((renovations))) too.


>Over 1 million British troops died in both world wars for this

Everyone in this world is a fucking dumb ass with 25 IQ or less, what do you expect?

Being a faggot is part of being british.


>literally a collection of priceless artifacts stolen from other cultures by British imperialists
Oh the irony

I would if she still had a penis

literally only 3 generations. lots of bongs laugh extra hard at americas current state, but thats only cope because the situation here is highly depressing...

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Yes, let’s send these artifacts back to the museums in those countries. Oh, they don’t have the infrastructure, security, funding, or expertise to house them? Then let’s put the things back where we found them so the person who owns the land can sell the things back to Western museums. Or we can let them be fully destroyed because “it wasn’t ours to take in the first place,” and then lose all the history those population’s future not-retarded people will wish the world had. Never-mind the fact that most people especially in the third world have no idea what ruins of civilization are beneath their feet. I’d rather we cut them a check and be done with it.

>why are yt people faggots
Gee user I dunno

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If they have a protected and modern museum, and the expertise to maintain it, and a direct cultural link to the artifacts — it’s common for people to move in to an area who weren’t the original inhabitants — then it’s appropriate to return them.

Just cancelled my membership. A shame as I really enjoyed the member's room. It's an excellent place to read.

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>Why is the British Museum promoting trannydom, niggers and faggotry?
Nearly every single organization is (Fuck organizations).

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What a sad existence