Funeral directors alarmed by worm-like blood clots found in bodies

Board-certified funeral directors and embalmers are coming forward to tell tales of horror featuring vaccinated bodies with veins and arteries clogged with strange, rubbery, worm-like clots.

Richard Hirschman, a funeral director and embalmer from Alabama, with over twenty years of experience in the field, has said in recent interviews that he had never seen anything like it until around the middle of 2021, after the mass injections of the experimental COVID vaccines began. He says his colleagues in the field are seeing the same thing, and the numbers are increasing.

“I’ve got doctors and police ringing me, nurses ringing me, all saying the same thing. It’s a total lie. On our media, they are saying the hospitals are full of the non-vaccinated. That’s a total fabrication. It’s the polar opposite. Nine out of ten patients in there, full of blood clots, are the vaccinated. I’ve heard that from so many professionals that I’ve lost count. So, whether you choose to believe it or not, it makes it no worse. That is the truth. That is the reality. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink,” O’Looney said in an interview late last month.

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>that means it's working



How many times do we have to tell you chuds, the science is settled, the vaccine is one hundred percent safe and effective.

Fucking Climate Change

>memeflag opens a pasta thread
>faggot bumps

Sorry Gypsiebro, thought it was a gayflag.

vaccinerators shall run 24/7/365 until the population is in line with predictions

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Fake and gay.

You're not a scientist, you have no idea what you're talking about. You can't differentiate between serious and unserious sources if you even look at original sources at all. More likely, you trust sketchy infografics, e-celeb grifters or facebook boomers without ever questioning their validity or motive.
And then you retards DARE to go on the high horse and talk shit about 'NPCs'
Really ask yourself this: If you are such a highly intelligent individual, then why are you such a miserable failure in every other way?

This is how I, a functioning member of society, arrive at my opinions:
I trust the fourth estate in my country to function as it should and to provide me with factually correct information.
Where I can, I try to compare what I read with my own everyday experiences and personal anecdotes to get an understanding of how the world works.
I have no reason, time or ability to honestly research every single thing out there. To a large degree you HAVE to trust authority. The internet isnt the great equalizer of information you think it is.

Call me what you want but that's the truth. Trust in it's institutions is what makes a society. Without it youre nothing. Be honest, while there were proven failures or fuck ups in the past, if you live in a western country you have no reason to distrust you government.

Come at me if you want. Let anons from actually corrupt shitholes like Iran and Russia tell you what it´s like to live a state you can't trust.

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>trust in institutions that openly hate you and everything you believe in

Fuck you and your gay ass religion, you filthy kike

alright well mRNA can damage your heart.

case closed. dont take it idiot. vaccines are not supposed to cause heart damage EVER you flaming idiot lol

imagine someone getting a flu shot and then heart inflammation. it would not be accepted.

fake news nothingburger take your meds schizo.

COVID causes heart damage as well. In fact, cases of myo/pericarditis are higher in COVID patients than in the vaccinated. Hence, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks

Our institutions don't hate anyone. All they do is uphold civil society.

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wait - did those studies catch the million unnoticed, asymptomatic infections, where people were infected with SARS-2 and never even fucking knew it? Did those studies infer those numbers?

Of course not. Because they compared the sickest covid patients to the healthiest vaccinated ones.

Hence, the studies your pointing to are another line in "a study of 80 people in kentucky proved natural immunity is bad" CDC boondogle.

we're sick of it

This is an odd environment to test the efficacy of your propaganda. Only a faggotnigger would think that it's a good idea to try.

Most people wont read the article but thanks for posting it. the weird fibrous white clots were freaky and they even posted pics

Wow, really???
Funeral directors finding dead people with septic blood, void of white blood cells, because the metabolism stopped and couldn't use carbohydrates to filter oxygen from the atmosphere anymore!!!???

Holy shit user!

As soon as anyone says 100%.....dna is only 99.8 to 99.9

Fucking kek BRB just gonna write a post on vaccinelonghaulers advising jabbies where they can get their refund

Good. Die faster, clotties. I'm not paying $1,000,000 for a fucking house. I'll have that shit for FREE when you're all dead.

Fuck you, fuck wageslaving, fuck usury, fuck debt backed fiat, and fuck this country. Everyone deserves to die. Every liberal cocksucker who voted to turn this nation into sodom and gomorrah and flood the nation in spics niggers sandniggers shitjeets and chinks, all of whom I have to pay the way for, all liberals deserve an agonizing death while I laugh at them and mock them. You tried to fuck me over my whole life. Now you get fucked.

I'm going to hell but you're going there first.

get another booster

ugly people are our misfortune

live forever