Ottawa residents now furious with the police

Trudy better self-isolate again or his Louis XVI moment might be coming.

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I just told the cops to fuck off at the check point. I said I live on a street (that's no where near Center town) and I'm going home. They let me pass. These niggers don't even live anywhere near ottawa

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I also said I'm not showing you proof that I'm not Jewish you hateful fuck. Just act like a leftist and you can do whatever you want

I live at 123 Fake St. My cats are dehydrated from shitting. LET ME PASS!!!!!

>there is a hot tub just a block away
Kek, fucking lost.

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This is scary as fuck to anyone who isn't an NPC. Our governments can break their own rules and limitations now to punish anyone they dislike in whatever way they wish, and the police/military will help them do it while laughing.

Your eyes cannot be trusted citizen!

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We report the truth on the ground. The police presence has been peaceful!

Attached: 1645382434971.webm (720x720, 1.08M)

they bring in people from out of town because they are more likely to use violence, thats what they did back in '89

Klaus Schwab openly states on video that the WEF has infiltrated governments around the world with their globalist agents.

He states that OVER HALF of Justin Trudeau's cabinet has been "penetrated" by WEF "young global leaders".

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Stop the anti-democracy misinformation.

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But shills confidently informed me it's over. What are the locals still upset about?

CS gaslighting

cuz the live in isreal

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>I'm not showing you proof that I'm not Jewish
We the Jews now.

Bingo. Feds and out of tower cops are always the most rabid zogbots


No! The protestors brought their own tear gas and used it on themselves to frame the peaceful Canadian police!

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these should be viral. spread far and wide.

>source: trust me