Are you guys serious

You can’t even leave a game for babies alone? You have to spread this rhetoric everywhere you go? Come on

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It's almost like the more they surpress it the more kids are interested in it. Even if its just for edgy reasons.

If you make anything taboo it's immediately funny

Babies shouldn't be playing video games cunt.

>Jews, we have to do our utmost to teach children about the holocaust.
>Gamers, okay
>Jews, Not like that!

Drumpf lost.

>ADL using dailymail when it's convenient

lmao this is awesome if real

I hate jews

Roblox is a secret society for 6-10 year olds

Its the kids who are making it themselves.


Wait until they find out about the Garry's Mod Auschwitz RP servers.

>call it hate
>call tranny flags and faggots love
>win every time
how do they do it bros

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Gotta teach em young. Just like how you are doing on discord, discord tranny.

Huh. I hadn't considered using Roblox to redpill the next generation. Thanks for the idea JDL.

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Drumpf is a jewish zionist who represents the views of no on here.

fuck yeah that made my day. anything that pisses off the adl is good by me.

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that shit looks like something I made with the build engine editor back when I was around that age

If the ADL ranks videogames based on hating jews its a good list of what to play next

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