
>Just a reminder. It isn't over.
it's over

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What an ugly cunt

It’s only getting started strap in

It is for this pol chud

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medical people are freaks

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nurses are just whores from decent backgrounds so they can't turn it into an entire career like they would like to

Why there's only three syringe emojis

and of course she's FBPE. Fucking braindead lemming cunt.

Probably has a body count that would make a $2 whore blush.

Look at how the CFR has plummeted.

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It is if you don't give a fuck about whatever mandate or law they shit out.

Do your job bitch.

That's a weird dance

how retarded are people to still believe in covid?

>smashed potatoes and gravy for dinner tonight

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Do they ever regret making fool of self?

Yup that's why being middle class sucks, you are too scared of losing what little you have to do anything while poorfags have nothing to lose and richfags already have all they need.

10/10 in bongland

it is over. it never was anything other than the rebranding and political weaponization of "getting sick"

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I’d fuck her ass hole if she promised not to turn around.

Ugly troll freak

Covid? Sorry, what’s that, I don’t watch the news.

bitch i'm not scared of a small flu...and don't lie you just use it for political woke points and i'm sure you wish death on people who don't agree with you

I was going to make this thread with that screen shot but got annoyed and didnt. Glad you did op so I can complain about it. I hate these nurse whores who act like they just got done working 80 hour weeks in a coal mine. They do like all women do at work. Gossip, play on their phones, take long breaks and do an little as possible

hysteric attention whores need this fake & gay pandemic for their emotional rollercoaster as a fish needs water

it is here, well until after the elections, then it'll be back like never before

>Wear a mask because I have an inferior genetics and a pathetic immune system, so you have to wear a mask to protect me from natural selection
Fuck no kek

Living in fear isn't living.

If I die, I die.

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I've been getting good results with the small people like this by just acting super sympathetic and telling them like, "I'm sorry you got so spooked, but you have to let go :( it's over. It'll be OK :("

Do that, and you'll see some real hysterics

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Hahahahaha holy shit it is gold watching this. Another demographic used by politicians for elections and then thrown away after their usefulness expired. Then they still think it's like it was during those 15 seconds of fame.
>p-pls don't ignore me! w-we're heroes!!!
Get back to cleaning up shit pans