How did the punk scene go from being anti-establishment to pro-establishment in the last decade?

How did the punk scene go from being anti-establishment to pro-establishment in the last decade?

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Only the style. So we all went as casual as possible. Can’t steal it,can’t sell it. Win!

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Let the rabble gather and you get festivities of barbarians. Let them rest and you lose barbarians and only get cast aways and degenerates who arrived for free beer and are crying that it was all drank up before they even got there.

It was always for edgy faggots with daddy issues and the music sucks

based and casual pilled

all fags

punk was always jewish shit

Authleft memed auth to be authright, suddenly bands are brave propping up globohomo if globohomo fights natzees

I don't think it did I think it just died out

modern punk is only punk in name. in other words: "modern punk" has nothing to do with "punk"

punk was always just a fashion scam to sell you pre packaged and neutered "rebellion". Now go and do some brown because NOOOO FEW-CHAAA

Punk as a lifestyle lived and died with the Sex Pistols. Metal has always been more punk than punk.

>How did the punk scene go from being anti-establishment to pro-establishment in the last decade?
They didnt, the first thing that happened when punk took off, was that a dozen different musical promoters tried to get these guys to sign contracts,

Punk has always been a tool to get young kids hooked on a subculture that will offer them no benefit fighting the man.

Cringe take

Can't handle the truth faggot? Not my problem.

Ok boomer

Punks are still a thing?

You obviously don't know shit if that is what you honestly think.

This. That shit is dead. Now it's just faggots in costumes claiming to be things, no different from a weird kid in a cape that pretends to be a wizard or kids wearing plastic fangs and calling themselves vampires. It's all a dress up game. Modern zoomie and gen alpha culture is completely lacking in subcultures. Everything has been muttified and mongrelized to the point that it's all just kids wearing a costume, if they even go that far.

There isn’t a punk scene anymore. Hasn’t been for at least a decade.

Look at all those "non-conformists".

The more outlandish the clothing is, the more boring it is at its core. The freakiest fuckers are subtle, it's like the weirdness is contained by the exterior so it must manifest elsewhere.

Joe, wtf?

Punks are anarchist, the "establishment" cannot be anarchist.

>tfw some poser wants to educate me.

Tell me about the shit I don't know.

The punk scene died in the late 80s.
Everything since then has been larping.

The majority of punks are poseurs and herd followers.

Another user nails it.
>itt people in their late 40's+ will now kvetch and claim punk isn't dead
>just because my male pattern baldness ruined my mohawk doesn't mean I'm not punk!
>just because I don't drink or fight anymore or go to shows or really do anything interesting at all doesn't mean my subculture died!
>I'm punk as fuck, look at all the shit I own that says I'm punk!
>if I didn't have bad knees I'd show you what for sonny boy
lmao it's dead and you fags killed it.

>pretends to be a wizard

you will never be a wizard

When they got normalized (became normies)

Punks are sell out faggots with high paying cushy white collar jobs ready to suck the cock of any jew they need to suck off in order to maintain their easy comfy lifestyle.

The fact that you think sex pistols were punk proves it.

corporations co-op'd an anti establishment movement so it could be sold back to children at hot topic and spencers gifts.

Prescription psychotropics.

Who gives a fuck honestly

KEK go listen to green day but don't forget you facediaper.

Punk is all about posturing, how many bands you know, how many patches you wear, how many shows you go to, how vegan you are, how little you “conform”, how lazy you can be, how many drugs you do, how many protests you have been to, how much of not a poser you are, etc
I hate the punk scene, but punk girls can get it. Something about a shaved dyed hair girl wearing big black boots needing a good fucking makes me feel tingly.

My brother dressed like that. I used to go to the odd punk gig with him only dressed uber preppy Ralph Lauren. Got all kinds of stares, especially when they saw I knew lyrics to all the Dead Kennedy's and Crass.

its not totally dead but what's left of it are soiboi larpers and degenerate crust punks that are too high and homeless to do anything.

Slapshot - Punk's Dead, You're Next -

holy fuck, this myth needs a fucking stake through the heart. Punks were not anarchists, they were glue sniffing degenerates with retarded fashion. They weren't big, clever or brave they were fucking retards

>gen alpha culture
what the fuck is this?

side note, already itt fags are defending “what punk is”. Insufferable faggots.
>u said that band was punk and its not because I say so
Kys you arbiters of suburban borne gutter rats

The vast majority of the whiny left-wingers throughout the last century were pro-establishment. They simply wanted to be the ones doing the oppressing.

Because it's the reanimated corpse of a genre that died 40 years ago

Every "punk" I know posted selfie on facebook about how they got a Pfizer jab.

Fuck off W.A.S.P. rules

>Punk is all about posturing, how many bands you know, how many patches you wear, how many shows you go to
This shit is so true. I remember meeting these "punks" in real life 10 years ago and they were like "Oh you don't know this band who do basement shows to 10 people? You're not true punk". Same shit happens with the metal scene too

With their generation.
Mommy's little rebels got old as time passed. They feel themself like a class, a strata of society. Amd they will do anything if they are told their life is in danger.
Old things die. As punk, hippie movement, they lived long enough for them to see as they become the clones of their conservative, stupid and obidient parents they rebelled against.
The only difference their parents had some acconmlishments and struggle behind thier backs. All what those people have is being slapped for swearing and a little drama in a most prosperous age on the planet.
So no, they do not understand you in a slightest. They though dropping out from school when their parents begged them not to was a revolutionary act that forged their personality while they were shooting drugs in a pissstained back alley listening to a lame guitar song.
Whenever you hear boomer opens his mouth about his generation or his struggle or his expirience - trivialize it. They on average were less educted, lived way easier life than youm and fell for the most retard shit at the hand.
that faggot had a 30 min standup where he ate bag of chips and vomited like for a 30 minutes becuse he is that speshul vegan fruit
absolute fag.

Yes, they call themselves antifia or blm now.

Attached: antifa_blm.png (904x1198, 1.95M)

Well, punks were always degenerate faggots, so good riddance.

Punk is somehow worse than gangster rap

Half the punks I ever met
>smash the state!
>If I earn to much, I'll lose my council flat or won't qualify for welfare

Based take.

The only real punk band left is Rudimentary Peni. And that guy is insane.

that anti white & anti gun faggot also left his friend to die a horrible death at the hands of a nigger that robbed them. that pussy ran off and left his supposed best friend to fend for himself

I feel like this would take an unrealistic amount of effort and money to keep up.

I worked for Live Nation for years and years, got paid to see literally countless shows and met every zog puppet out there from lady gaga to kelly clarkson to johnny marr to john travolta. one day I would have to deal with watain and rotten animal blood and the next day id have to deal with youtube pop artist. What are these “interesting” punk shows you speak of? I’ve never seen one

it is both hilarious and pathetic. before the election last sep these fags told the country which party to vote for(the greens, of course) and to get the vax..

that lefties were anti-establishment at any time during the last half century was of course never anything other than a monumental larp. they never had anything serious to fear from anyone.

ask a martin sellner what it's like to be an actual rebell against the system. as a right-wing activist you'll be unemployable, get banned from any social media, have your bank accounts frozen, have your house raided and get prosecuted for bullshit reasons and have to fear for the physical saftey of you and your family from the establishments outsourced storm troopers("antfia") on a daily basis..

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See, you really don't know shit lmao