You need to be fully vaccinated to attend Jordan Peterson's Tour in Canada

What a fucking cuck. This goes against everything he teaches. Am I the only one thinking he should cancel the shows? It makes him look incredibly hypocritical. It's just going to be an audience of the goodest goys.

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Imagine injecting experimental drugs to go see Jordan Kikenstein. Top kek.

>This goes against everything he teaches.

You don't see the difference between government mandates and a requirement for a private show? No one is forcing you to go see him.

What about resisting communism?


>"Rather than giving you the illusion of free choice, I've taken the liberty of choosing for you."

Those are the rules of the venues.

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>You need to be fully vaccinated to attend Jordan Peterson's Tour in Canada
based, it will ensure no normal people attend his kike drivel

He used to work at the UN headquarters what do you expect? He’s fully controlled

I can never take thie guy seriously with that weak whispy voice of his

Die pastanigger.

Jeudan Peterstein is highly overrated. He looks like an ex drug addict and can't help but ramble on in his statements.

Cornicous phocious (I think that's the spelling) on YouTube does a far better job than Jordan with the same ideas

Jordanetics by vox day explains how he's always been a fraud and ticket taker

Based juden peterstein taking the trash out

Sheckelstein needs he's cash. Everything is secondary

Looks like chudcels are once again betrayed by one of their idols

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When did he said that? He's philosopher not politicia

Did you wake up and mistake Any Forums for the_donald again or something? Juden Peterkike isn't anyone's idol around here.

Its probably the venue that demands it, not him. But he should pull the shows anyways. But you morons forget hes a liberal pussy. He has no backbone.


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>This goes
He is a political prostitute

so take a principled stand and don't schedule talks at those venues.
or is money more important than your values?

im starting to despise this mf

Thats not true and you know it faggot

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controlled opposition gatekeeper junky faggot
fuck his gay canadian ass

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Stalin didn't sound like a tough guy either, doesn't mean he was fucking around


>open any jordung pebblestein thread
>every single post is fuck off juden peterkike
So you live in an imaginary alternate reality, is that what you're saying?

LMAO, fuck that faggot

>show good goy pass to listen to him complain about tyranny for 3 hours
Yeah no thanks

Judas betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver.

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Private venues are capitalist, chud. When business owners exercise their property rights by keeping plague rats out, that's the purest expression of capitalism.

Those are the venue rules, Rabbi. Jordan Peterson has no say in it.

>play Bill Gates Depopulation Roulette 3 or 4 times in order to see a mediocrity croak out a bunch of gibberish for an hour

Does that mean I can bar niggers and arabs from my store now, mr. leftist anarcho-capitalist?

Then like I've said, he should pull the shows.

My age is irrelevant to my post

JBP is pro-vaccine and pro-property rights. Why would he cancel over this non-issue?

You're free to be racist, but not without consequences or accountability.

Hahahahaha. Imagine being this much of a dumb faggot.

He's not explicitly pro-vaccine though. He said he only got it so they'd "leave him the hell alone" and that hasn't happened.

He's cucking to tyranny. If he goes ahead with this, I'm done with him.