The shilling

Why are there so many Ukraine shill threads? They really don't want us to talk about the anti-globohomo push back that is happening globally.

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>the anti-globohomo push back that is happening globally.

yes, the shills want war
90% of Any Forums threads are made by shills

they're depserate because their usual kike faggot tactics aren't working anymore.
nobody wants a brother war and no americans i know want to go die so haliburton can bring poop-dicking to ukraine.
go galt, faggots.

In your capital, leaf

those protests are extremely globohomo though

Jannies are deleting jew/tranny/nigger threads faster than usual too.

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Ukraine is one of the last places on Earth where the ACTUAL Tribe of Israel exists in vast numbers that the filthy genocidal Caaninite Edomite "jews" failed in eradicating in the Holodomor.

It's an ancient racial grudge. Period.
It's us or them.
It's time to remove the jew.

>Open revolt against Trudeau (appointed as PM by the WEF)
Ok I'll buckle up for your explanation

Yeah, yeah we know. Isn't the local Jew a larger threat than the one living somewhere else?

Did you even read my post?
kikes aren't Israelites, retard.
Rev. 3:9

And I don't care where the "jew" is.
They ALL must burn.

Ok, so why do you care about a war that will be fought by whites but was obviously instigated by Jews. Why care about Ukraine in general? Why not publicly mention on the regular that a large amount of Congress has dual citizenship.


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Talking grass roots, not astroturf, bean-buddy

BJ Dichter is a gay kike and he was involved in organizing it. Ezra Levant (kike) and Rebel media were the media outlets promoting it. The protestors were multicultural/multi-racial and they were all consciously signaling about how not racist and tolerant they all were. They were not an "open revolt" they were peaceful protests user, and just because they were clearly against the Trudeau (liberal) faction of globohomo, does not make them anti-globohomo, especially when the other faction of globohomo (conservatism) was at least partially in support of them.

Because I'm trying to preserve my race and genetic self determination without the constant genocidal manipulations of the most inbred muttraped hate fueled parasitic rat fucking pedophiles in existence, you retarded fucking niggercattle.
Why do you insist on living you sad existence through a lens of logical fallacies and willful ignorance.
Have you been to this board before, you fucking faggot?
Of course we call out the dual kikes in Congress every day.

Go the fuck away.
You're obnoxious and annoying with your kike rhetorical question bullshit.
You're shallow low IQ tricks don't work here, niggercattle.

Lol thinking grassroots movements exist

Sure there are plenty of grifters capitalizing off of it and trying to steer it to tamer waters but the fact it happened shows that normies are fed up with this.
Are you upset?

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Cynicism outright is just a reaction to the simulation. Knowing the bioluminescence of something takes observation.

It's pronounced indignant splenetic rage, little one.
Good luck to you when it's unleashed.
You deserve what's coming.

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>Sure there are plenty of grifters capitalizing off of it and trying to steer it to tamer waters but the fact it happened shows that normies are fed up with this.
grifters that organized it and promoted it in the first place. The entire thing was created to steer angry people into something that isn't actually dangerous to jews. Yes normies are beginning to get fed up with shit, but if their anger is being directed in a purely partisan way, then it is in no way a threat to the globohomo system. None of it was anti-globohomo