The west is built on fake money not intelligence or hard work

Indian here. I remember when you cunts would claim on here that your success was down to your genes, intelligence/IQ and hard work ethic, looks like it was all just leverage and your economies are about to crash fucking hard lol.

Pic related is how you became prosperous. The kikes own you and that's how they dominate everything in your culture. Get rekt while your economies crash, fucktards.

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Why are Indians such loudmouths?

>. I remember when you cunts would claim on here that your success was down to your genes,
Imagine actually saying that when you flee India for the wealth of Great Britain. Holy fuck you should be put up against a wall.

super power by 2020!

Guess what mr. POO. Im frankly tired of you smug motherfuckers shitting up the place with your libtard enabling ways. We know the jews own the money printer. You arent exactly helping the situation siding with the jews. Fucking retard

The west is built on military dominance which makes you accept fake money. Ask Saddam.

Fuck you bloody bastard bitch.

kill yourself shitskin

dude ,litterally europe fed the world.if europeans farmers didn't work hard and get better engines thanks to european innovation india would be a starving shithole and there would be at best 300 millions of africans.
I can't wait we fucking stop feeding all of your dirty shitskins of my ass and suddenly realise how dependant you are.

The west is built on violence.The threat of nuclear annhilation is the only thing keeping the looney bin in lockstep. Its like planetary stockholm syndrome not seeing that obvious fact.

Modern kike subversion doesn't replace the truth that white European men had a particularly strong and ambitious drive to advance their civilization, and that's how we all got to this point
Look at the slums in Africa, South America, or India, and you see people who are unconcerned about living in decaying shacks built from hand me downs from western civilization
I'm not saying they don't have other good qualities, but they are satisfied with being unambitious
It's less about working hard (Indians are pretty hard workers) and more about being dissatisfied with the status quo and wanting to make the world around you a better place
White people are constantly dissatisfied ("I want to see the manager") but that's an evolutionary pressure that drives progress
In contrast it seems that brown people are more easily satisfied, allowing them to live in squalor without caring enough to improve it

yeah ask Russia or China about that, the eurodollar system is failing

Bastard bitch

fuck you paki subhuman, go rape your 1st cousin/wife again

Petrodollar is the world reserve currency user, not europoor bux.

go look up what the Eurodollar actually is before you type shit about things you don't understand, english teacher

It WAS built on these things. Globalists sold the West out to get richer in the short-term and in the long-term guaranteed the West loses not just our economies, but our values and beliefs as well. Ross Perot predicted what globalism has wrought.
>no, trust us goy, our service economy will totally provide the entire nation with the JOBS OF THE FUTUREā„¢! you don't need a solid economic backbone in manufacturing and value hard work, goy.

>better than your world
>not intelligence
I think that's where you're wrong, Pajeeto

Will you still be claiming high IQ/intelligence once the Western economy crashes?
Because I remember all those threads about how IQ is linked to wealth. I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard when it crashes, that means your IQ crashed too.

Printer go 'brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'.

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Dude it's all made up.

lol god you're fucking stupid
the west became prosperous because it took your gold
The USA took control of the hegemony due to its wealth from not honouring European patents for centuries, turning it into the worlds sweatshop as people were able to recreate competitors factories in the USA without consequence.
But the unprecedented jumps in technology? That really did happen. Whatever truly caused it, I doubt anybody is going to surpass the modern age any time soon.
And if they do, their results will speak for themselves, I welcome it.
Just as you welcomed all of our advances.
If an Indian gives us the equivalent of the power of flight or mass production or remote communication, the combustion engine, the splitting of the atom etc, great.
By all means, advance our civilization.
Pass white people, leave us far in the dust, if you can. I'll even cheer for you if you do.

(((Yang Gang)))

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>Indian here.
>UK flag
Checks out.

>Indian here
Thanks for saving me the time of reading your stupid thoughts.

sadly places like india are no different with monetary policy. everyone is printing their government funbucks to infinity

Don't you have a 20 armed tranny to worship in a shit filled river or something? Musty fuck

They sure talk a lot of shit for being the toilet of the world for the past 5000 years.

Yeah, I think China is going to do that, as they're doing want the US did in its infancy. "stealing patents" as you put it.