Is Tom MacDonald one of /ours/ ???

Start here if you dont know who he is

Clown World

seems like a dead ringer for Any Forums to me...

Attached: Tom-Macdonald.png (339x231, 104.88K)

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This shit's trash.

okay, thanks for stopping by...Dont let this one comment dissuade you anons. Give it a listen

cmon, this guy is Any Forums for sure... lol

>Give it a listen
I stated this because I did.
He has improved from before, at least now he isn't making his lyrics so densely packed without any breaks that it makes your mind wander off halfway through out of boredom. But the actual instrumentals are forgettable and the lyrics are still fairly weak. Slightly catchy, yes, but really doesn't tread on as many toes as it makes out. Trying to use to outrage culture to his advantage but then also very clearly limiting himself. I'm not expecting him to start singing out the names and addresses of wealthy bankers, but there is sort of the expectation that if you're building up the image of someone relishing in controversy that you actually say something that is hard-hitting.

Anything that helps normies wake up.

Personally, I think rap is for fags and niggers but if this helps some people wake up, I’m for it

Attached: CE185FE3-29CA-4412-A20A-925654F4A678.jpg (634x679, 134.01K)

nice analysis. Your right he could be a little more specific on calling them out but I suppose a man has to work within the rules of the system, even if its to expose them.

I fucking love tom. Half these niggers here wouldn't know what good music if it fucked their face.

Attached: 5s1z835iliq51.jpg (500x558, 39.72K)

Wigger and not a great voice. Still, if someone gets woken up by his music, that's all to the good. Myself, I listened to half a song and have no desire to listen to any more.

I don't want to sound like a faggot, but white ppl should just give up on that rapping thing. They are not just good at it. Whites are good at many thing, just not rapping

Tommy McD is a great rapper for our cause.

Attached: 1642970277056m.jpg (1024x768, 87.14K)

Eminem is a complete faggot nowadays, but even black rappers acknowledge that he blows everyone else out of the water in terms of rapping ability.

I wasnt even aware of Tom until a few days ago. This guy is spitting low level Any Forums talking points and reaching millions. He has several vids that have 10 - 20 million views, even reaction vid to him is redpilling. I think Any Forums is about to go mainstream anons...You did it

Pretty based. As with anything shitting on the popular public opinions of today.

buncha my nazi dudes were talkin about him, hes beginner waking up stuff. hes for the normies, which is a very important role. one of em said his girl was just starting to understand the JQ and he woke up hearing her blare " FAKE WOKE FAAAKE WOOOOKE" lmfao

Rapping, no matter who is doing it, or what they are saying, is complete fucking garbage.

Seems he's Canadian too...perfect time for the right canadian with a message. I'm gonna shill him anons. He's simply to redpilling for the masses to ignore.

>Seems he's Canadian too...perfect time for the right canadian with a message.
He should make a honk song!

I just want to know how he gets millions of views despite, ostensibly, being against globohomo...

Nigger music

It is also incredible cringe. Kek how many retards are listening to him only because you agree with his politics.

God i hate americans, good thing it will fall in my lifetime

You dont have any nazi's friends user...Especially not a bunch. Quit trying to make everything about race and your never ending quest to tie everything whites do you dont like to hitler and nazis...It's simply played out user, and your just making the blowback worse.

There are plenty of safe targets to call out that would help make it more hard-hitting. Calling out the war industrial complex is one example: you don't need to name any specific company or any particular event. In fact namedropping a specific topic for the sake of namedropping it will generally backfire. Simply an act akin to George Carlin is a pretty easy thing to do safety without getting done in the way one would if you were to start quoting the Talmud mid-verse.
And really you don't even need any topic to start preaching to the choir about, you can easily talk about the exact same things without adding any additional ones. Simply being less weak and nuanced in terms of criticism can go a pretty long way.

People have had enough and it's catchy.

>how did monkeys turn into people?


Fpbp. Fuck rap but fuck this faggot's rapping specifically