If you can't speak the most based language on earth (Spanish), then you are not white

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>spic gibberish
>based language
Kek'd audibly


Go back to cleaning my toilet, Lazlo, or I will deport you back to POOland ti be PARTITIONED again.


Hitler should have offed every single one of you.

Viva la Hispanidad hermano Ibérico.

the main language in south america is the white man's language? user.... come on now

The only reason they speak is because we cucked them so hard and forced them to speak our superior language. Whenever a spic speaks Spanish, they are cucking themselves by speaking our language

When I think of someone speaking Spanish, A Spic comes to mind not an Iberian

That's the exact mistake your racemixing ancestors made. When I hear spanish in the USA I am hearing the tongue of my racial enemies. That is your legacy here now.

I could speak a gibberish version of French, adding -o and -a at the end of my sentences, and you'll be able to understand most of what I'm saying. Why should I care properly learning Spanish?


Okay Achmed. You are the only nation to get REVERSE colonized.

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im studying on duolingo! im trying okay

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France has more niggers and Germany has more arabs. Nice try Carlos

I actually like Spanish culture and South American culture.

See . I appreciate Spain and their contributions to Western culture and civilization, think Franco and the Reconquista were cool etc but I simply can't hear the Spanish language without thinking of the disgusting subhumans infesting my country OP. I hope you understand.

Fuck off sudaca, Polan is fren.


Only brown people and people who miscegenate speak your dribbling gibberish of a language.

>a fucking dirty ass poor mexican dares to order someone to clean his toilet
Don't you have some tacos to make, Juan?

WELL then maybe Federal Prison may be for you....

compare the streets of Buenos Aires or Santiago with the streets of London, and you tell me which is the white language

PICS and Flag OR it's fake ass shit.

>Too ashamed to show flag

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spanish is literal shit

only brown people and low IQ retards took spanish in school, all the WASPS and rich kids and honor students took French

Lol. The Brits destroyed all of the Testosterone that Argentina had.

my flag I forgot to change it from before