Why do Americans love dogs so much?

Why do Americans love dogs so much?

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but now i understand why the white race is disappearing.
instead of fucking you faggots play vidya

I actually have some of the pieces of this phone, I didn't really throw it away, it's all still here but it's destroyed, I don't know if that can help you, if you can use some chips or something

I'm thinking, in all honesty (because I don't like pets), that it's because we tend to have more land and open spaces for them and us to fuck around with than European countries.

Nothing more

As a man with 2 kids and one on the way, 2 dogs, and a ferret, I just love having things that I can teach and help grow. As long as you can manage the responsibilities, any small addition to your family will make you a better man. After my second kid, my priorities completely changed and I started going back to school while working full time, and I'm doing great. The same would apply to dogs because that is something that depends on you and needs your companionship and for you to be successful. Men NEED companionship and i do not see how some are ok with living without it.

they're beautiful, loyal, and loving
I'd marry a wolfy girl

Besides my Yellow Labrador being a great companion, she can hear someone coming down my long gravel driveway before I can. She alerts when something is out or order. She hates niggers. She can smell better than I can. She can run faster than I can. She will fetch up squirrels, ducks, geese, and rabbits after I shoot them. For play time she catches frisbees and likes to go for a swim playing fetch in the pond.

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Based labrador owner. The ultimate white man's companion, the anti-nigger.

>single man
>travels often
>doesn't want to be a burden on others by passing a dog off on them
>not being able to give a dog the best life possible while being away for 10 hours a day
More often than not, having a dog is a selfish choice, especially if you're single.

Because dogs hate shitskins also.

I guess it's because dogs are loyal and always happy to see us. Whereas humans are much more fickle.

>Why do Americans love dogs so much?

we don't have to eat them to survive

why wouldn't they, they are a loyal companion who will be by your side until it eventually dies.

i think you meant to type "leaf"

Why do gooks eat dogs so much?

kill fucking dog lovers

Because sand niggers like you hate them. Simple as

If you were white you'd understand.

for exactly the reason show in the picture. my dog will literally try to hug me if I'm sad

dogs are better than people, ALL people, except pitbulls, those are nigger dogs and should get destroyed, humanely if possible, they may be niggers but still dogs

you should not have a dog unless you are a farmer or rich enough to stay home all day

Good point but I would argue that you need to start a family

Nigger all white people love animals, you African Asian piece of shit