What pushes young men to become nazis?

I hypothesize that the reason why young men become nazis is multifaceted. I believe it's primarily comes from a mixture of anger, anxiety, entitlement, isolation, and an inferiority complex.

A lot of the time this anger is due to what the nazi perceives as a loss of opportunity for themselves. The nazi will blame others for the nazi's own failure to acquire success. For example, the nazi will blame immigrants for his own lack of employment or ability to purchase a house.

Nazis are anxious people. That anxiety often takes the form of a fear of being replaced or a sense of impending doom. Nazis often talk about "feeling" shifting.

Nazis believe that they deserve X, Y, Z thing just because. I'm white it's my right to my own homeland they will decry. I'm a man I deserve to have a wife and a family.

Nazis are very isolated people. Often nazis don't have any real friends or confidants. Their family may be absent or abusive too. This isolation allows young nazis to be easily recruited by older, charismatic and influential people.

>Inferiority complex
Nazis typically have no real accomplishments. They draw their sense of pride from immutable characteristics like their ancestry or physical characteristics. These people unironically believe themselves to be better than ethnic people who are highly educated and esteemed in their fields. The average nazi honestly believes themselves to be better than Obama. Again, this is despite the nazi achieving nothing. Ultimately this comes from a deep seated inferiority complex.

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the left

And don't forget it kids, I never mentioned them and I'm not a rat

and the one day, for no reason at all…

>What pushes young men to become nazis?

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> What pushes young men to become nazis?
the jews

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>What pushes young men to become nazis?
What pushes young wanna be women who will never be women to obsess about young men becoming nazis?

Jewish jews jewing


> I'm white it's my right to my own homeland they will decry.

>I'm a man I deserve to have a wife and a family.
Nobody "deserves anything", up until the last 30 years there was a social contract if men become productive members of society and weren't psychopaths they would have a good chance to have a family with a decent woman. Now the game has changed and SOCIETY wants the same deal from men nut not vice versa. We are still expected to be nice little taxpayers and follow the law.





Stop having damn kids!
>no more kids? I guess we have to import some foreign doctors
Also remembered freedom word usage with far-right. Fuck off!

Kikes. White men aren’t the only ones who hate them dominating the ruling class. Everybody capable of noticing is done with their influence.

>he cares for others and is against literal systematic genocide of his people
>it must be because there's something mentally wrong with him
Never change Shlomo

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Damn imagine donna and melania making out

>constantly attack white people when ever possible
>people are having enough of it
geee it will be forever a mystery the same with "why do people dislike jews?" we will never know op.

Interesting theories. Your people being genocided and africans and mohammedans flooding into your nation by the millions might also might come into play a bit I guess

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facts and logic

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I'm Indian.


Literal systematic genocide is what was done to the Circassians. The Armenians. The various Natives.

You are a perpetual victim.

It's not a single push, it's a hundred thousand small nudges of non stop anti-White sentiment, insults, abuse and dehumanisation, from an early age, through our formative years, and continuing into later life, from all facets of society.
You'd be hard pressed to find another race of man so patient despite non-stop attacks against him, but when the patience runs out, picrel

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Because our society is jewish

ptsd from being exposed to the massive amount of anti white violence perpetrated by none whites

The solution isn't nazism, the solution is incentivized eutelegenesis.

Leftist / liberal policies. That's it. Though you will never understand why.

Imagine living in India, but there are millions of non Indians flooding in and fucking you and yours over. Imagine every media outlet blasting anti-Indian propaganda, the government favoring non-Indians over Indians. You wouldn't be a little salty if you were in our position?

Racial awareness obviously. Once a person (of any color) is racially aware, all bets are off. Whites becoming racially aware is a not a new thing. Last time happened with Nazis. I hope you connect the dots here.

I don't think you understand Nazism.


I don't live in India. I am Indian living in Australia. I don't think America, Canada or Australia can complain because your nations have always been immigrants. Why was white immigration okay but not brown or yellow? Australia has many Chinese and Indian people. I rarely see white people on my train.

>What pushes young men to become nazis?

The fucking clown world they live in.

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I'm literally the happiest person I know, I have amazing friends and a good relationship with my family, my life is going great. And I'm what you'd call a "Nazi", yet you take time to write bullshit like this while I shit post from bed after sex with gf.
And all the most successful and happy friends I have are far right as well.

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You are so far off base it’s extraordinary. Go back to your academic high castle and jump off of it. You will never understand the minds of those you wish too. You have demonstrated it here with this take.

I just wanted Recreation so i support them, also i know the feels of being week,so we build strength like them

You can't survive in future only discover for mercy and tolerate

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