Will gays be allowed to join the ethnostate? Some of us are based

Will gays be allowed to join the ethnostate? Some of us are based

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Yes but you will not be allowed to interact with children or adopt.

You may have your faggot parties behind closed doors

Yeah sure, interviews are held on the roof cuz it is nice out.

None of you faggots are welcome.


Of course. When you're cured. We accept anyone who accepts the cure

Irony dense image

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All fags will be genocided during the day of the rope. All of them.

>are faggots allowed in the conservatorium?
No, the whole point is to eradicate AIDS in all its forms

Gays will be allowed in to be executed yes

>bring fags in to waste resources by killing them
Bullets are expensive you supercilious cunt.

bussy nao

Gay sex is hot HOT!

Show bussy

Bullets? The dogs don't use bullets rhey just eat them.

It is impossible to be that, and a National Socialist. It goes against one of its main ideas which is the re-masculenization of the nation and strong men. Weak men do not have the mental fortitude to support the cause. Remember we are always at war.


Gays will have their own gay state. It will not be ethnocentric. You will probably get blacked.

>Some of us are based
LMAO get in the gas chamber, faggot.

yes, but only that masculine ones

no, never.

get help, your mental ill.

Yes. No girls allowed.

Is it gay to get pegged by my ftm girlfriend while I call her daddy?

Great. Now the dogs have AIDS. That's the kind of national emergency a fledgling nation needs.

No, you need to have your own ethnostate. At the very most you could have an autonomous zone within the ethnostate. The rates of STIs and pedophilia are too high to risk having homosexuals mix with the general population.

>men should beg the government to secure resources for them
KYS faggot.

I don’t give a fuck. Just no pedophiles. Fags won’t exist if all pedo are eliminated

Wasted effort. Pedos are made by degenerate, ungodly societies and will resurface if the problem isn't ripped out at the root. You think our ethnostate is impervious to this shit? It isn't. Steps must be taken day one.

>Will gays be allowed to join the ethnostate? Some of us are based

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A lot of zogged opinions here.
Instead of disliking gays because of kikes shoving globohomo down everyones throats, you should consider the root cause of your hate.

Otherwise, (((they))) will just use something other than gays to divide and conquer

Blaming every single ill on kikes is proof of a weak mind. Man has natural sin that expresses itself in progressively more outlandish ways the longer it is allowed to fester. That's a problem that we must solve.

I've seen you on Omegle you nigger faggot