Empathy. Do you have it?

I've endlessly mulled Any Forums's existence for years, wondering just how deeply rooted the hatred and misanthropy runs - or is it merely larping as a way to express pent up frustrations?

I feel that many people here lack empathy, and more importantly - don't see the value in having empathy as a default behavior/response to a situation.

Am I wrong? I'd like to have an actual conversation and engage in a sincere fashion if any anons are willing. Let's talk.

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Other urls found in this thread:


you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

wow that's crazy

I farted. Thoughts?

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Many such cases

I have empathy but I don't see my enemies as something to be understood so it doesn't matter if I do or not

Douglas Wilson: The Sin of Empathy


empathy is useless

I barely have it. for my mother and my brothers and my girlfriend to an extent.

it doesn't do you any favors.

and if you do have it never ever show it because people will use it to fuck you over

I empathize with you rn fr fr

Hey, I get it - I love that movie too. I laughed when I read the post. Let's move past that and get down to business. Are you someone that feels and expresses empathy in your day to day life?

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Careful bub….”EMPATHY” is a word they love. Not saying it is not important but recognize buzz words.



A wise man uses empathy in a guarded and precise style. It's really easy and common to be vulnerable early on in life and have your expectations betrayed or be hurt by someone that makes you defensive and thorny 100% of the time.

The truth is that selective empathy is a powerful trait that will let you win friends, conduct business, and protect yourself in social spaces.

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Empathy is some gay ass concept invented by WASPs to project their own faggy communication style onto the whole world and then using the emotional blackmail argument that if you don't respond in kind you're evil.

Then they did studies on samples from their own culture to "prove" how empathy is general and universal. More recent studies dispel this myth, populations from other parts of the world have a different affective communication style that doesn't involve this primacy of gaypathy.

Incorrect. The great and charismatic men and women of history often were masters of empathy. Anticipating your fellow human's needs and addressing them with a measured level of care goes a long way to swaying minds and earning favors from people.

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This….ohhh this

Fine, you want a real answer? I am an incredibly empathetic person, but I am also intelligent and recognize the lack of empathy in the broad mass of people that identify with leftism. I'm not stupid enough to prostrate myself before people that would torture and murder me with glee.

Stop "mulling it over" and be decisive with your bitch ass


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You are wrong. I'm very empathetic. Always have been. The people who I used to think were empathetic like me have revealed themselves to be authoritarians whose principles are as ephemeral as the wind, and the people I used to look at as uncaring and selfish are the only people who seem to be able to see the world the way that I see it.

you seem to be making the common mistake of conflating the terms sympathy and empathy
what you are describing is sympathy, also known as compassion ("sym-" and "com-" are cognates in Greek and Latin respectively, meaning "together", and so are "pathos" and "passio", meaning "suffering", i.e. "suffering together", as in that you experience the suffering of other people as your own)
empathy is something completely different, where "em-" means "from within", and refers to projecting your own emotions onto what you perceive, such as e.g. projecting your own feelings of sadness onto a movie you are watching

Empathy is a luxury ill suited for this modern age, especially now that it is weaponized against you.

I'm with you. Hence why I mentioned being "selective" in my other posts. With some people the whip hand is appropriate instead.

My main point is that I believe too many people in Any Forums are quick to dismiss entertaining any thoughts of empathy or selective care when interacting with other human beings, and I really think that it could benefit their lives greatly for a number of reasons.

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I have empathy for a minority, not the majority of people.
They can get fucked.

You don't understand board culture. Finding empathy here is like finding 120 IQ in Africa. This just isn't the place for that.

Those people would be sociopaths, user. The evil flipside to empathy. People who have a talent for identifying patterns of social behavior or attitudes in people and exploiting them.

Ultimately, I am a practitioner of the Suzuki school of Zen, and strive to live my life with certain principles as much as I am able. I am an imperfect being, as are we all. Acting with kindness and honesty in the world generates a positive reality around you, like a bubble.

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Yes, and one of my major gripes with Any Forums is how unabashed their hate for empathy and love is. Take for example psychopaths and cynics such as and .

>have you come to understand yet that your fight is a holy one, son of Man? there is no such thing as politics or religions, only excuses for the wicked actions of men crowned as gods; they will say it's a fool's errand, bringing God to the godless and love to the hateful, but it is the Father's will

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Scummy hands on Annie

You're the one lacking empathy nigger. We've been watching the downfall of some of the greatest cultures on the planet without a single shot fires. Amazing countries with thousands of years of traditions, flooded by hordes of foreigners that didn't nor ever will be integrated into those societies.
And then you ask us if we have empathy? Let me ask you how you feel when you see pic related? You don't even need to answer, I know that you feel hatred and disgust towards it.
So fuck off kike loving nigger, it's not us who lack empathy, it's you, you piece of garbage.

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>The truth is that selective empathy is a powerful trait that will let you win friends, conduct business, and protect yourself in social spaces.
Jesus Christ was able to do it, Son of Man. Do you feel yourself incapable? Being unconditionally loving and empathetic shouldn't entail such heresy as Christian "no fighting back at ANY cost even when they're killing you or calling them out on their bullshit" Pacifism, or whatever unholy tripe freemasons poured into college trust fund kiddie heads that masquerades as "leftism".

Very cool, now when are you graduating middle school?