Is Eileen Gu a sperm baby?

Her mom is the typical bug lady. There are no pictures of her "father".

She switched sides and won a gold medal for her bug mother's side. No worries here though. USA has plenty of medals.

It just begs the question, why would her "father" allow such publicity? Unless.... he doesn't exist?

Who is her father? Is she the product of donor sperm?

Attached: good-gooy.jpg (1280x720, 60.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And btw, expand the image and look into her eyes.

Almost as soulless as every other Goldstein's.

"They" really are one and the same.

>Who is her father?
Me. I am her father. It's true

What a massive cope.

her father is a jew

>Eileen Gu
More like Eileen Gook

>Is she the product of donor sperm?
This is the rumour about her in China yes.

Attached: j5tmbed3yjd11.jpg (900x506, 67.27K)

Undoubtedly, and an anchor baby to boot

Attached: gu-blm.png (1488x862, 83.01K)

>why would her "father" allow such publicity?
What a stupid comment, why would anyone allow their parents to control their lives if they're a world class athlete

I'll make her a sperm baby if you catch my drift

There are also no pictures of Michelle Obama pregnant with either of her two "children".

That's cool, women never take pics of their baby bellies, do they?

>a sperm baby?
She'd make an acceptable sperm receptacle

>pic related
of course nobody is brave enough to make a bad comment about BLM while it's active lmao, has to be 87 weeks later

ugly mutt
>she will always be an american


>why would anyone allow their parents to control their lives if they're a world class athlete
Where have you lived in Oz that you've never met a single Asian?

Is her "father" Ray Sidney?
>Ray Sidney wrote in response to a netizen named "Josh Sher" who left the message "wait, Eileen Gu is secretly your love child?" in the early morning of the previous day:

Perhaps I should clarify: Yan (Eileen's mom) and I dated for severai years. I've known Eileen for many years, and I've very proud of all that she's accomplished, both on and off the snow. I did not meet Yan until sometime after Eileen was born.

Still sounds like a sperm baby.

International ivy league tiger mom needed tiger baby with high iq and athletic ability.

China is known for its eugenics. It looks like they've expanded abroad, stealing cockasian master race sperm in order to become more perceptually acceptable to the cockasian masterrace.

Probably, but is she full gook? She looks mixed race to me but not half White?

It's funny that Eileen Poo represents China because she's as American as they come. Arrogant, fake, vapid personality.

She looks 1/4 chink at most, I’m guessing she was just paid big bucks to make China look good help them medal in something other than ping pong.

No. They found out her father was one of the Jew founders of Google. I forget his name.

You must not have meant the recent generation of ChinX

Chinese media is saying Ray Sidney is her father.
I don't see it.

Attached: Ray Sidney.jpg (750x871, 111.44K)

Kalina ryu?