What in the actual fuck?!

Attached: Screenshot_20220218-214744~2.png (720x714, 435.12K)

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Based Semen

Mmm cumpycakes

Right wingers are pedos, we've always known this

Based and cumcaked.

Attached: 20220108_211011.jpg (383x326, 71.22K)

REMOVE FAGGOT remove faggot
you are worst homo. you are the homo idiot you are the homo smell

Attached: 5e7637922f778b852f80c900ad84dffe0af5eb5ae8b410577be81885b2ed6df0.png (1268x1645, 582.28K)


Attached: JCsMGHh4y_rVbIUV.jpg (541x675, 55.33K)

How did they find out unless one of the kids knew what jizz tastes like?

Attached: C85FB783-D0DD-4CC4-929C-1DF72AB39B50.jpg (1200x699, 119.87K)

death penalty

I have much better hair line than her at 40

Also note that the age of a girl's first period has fallen from 16 in 1900 to 12 today, thanks to jews putting hormones in our food.


Attached: bc65b8b85f6b14d22b95787a0dc6407b.jpg (800x800, 87.82K)

Dude it was just a joke

how did they find out ??

Women are fucking insane.

I have a burner account on SeekingArrangement (sugar daddy site) that I use to buy porn from local girls I know. The site lets you sort by city and body type/race (lel) so I've run into high school classmates, receptionists at old jobs, etc.

Within a few minutes of chatting them up and using really basic flirty openers I've got them to confess all sorts of insane shit to me. This one flew to mexico with a guy she met on the site and was then surprised when she was assaulted, had all her shit stolen from her, and was left to wander around searching for the authorities in a foreign country not knowing how to speak the language.

I have an entire folder of confessions like this.

Attached: mexico adventure.jpg (600x476, 40.51K)

damn her hairline is worse than mine

nice LARP retard, get a life, its fucking pathetic
>i spend my freetime using some other dudes profiling and catfishing postwall whores! haha man im epic!

If it’s true, they must have been braggign about it online or something

Post tits

>what sort of kinks do you explore if you don't mind me asking
God fucking hate people who talk like this.

I really don't care what gets you off, if you like being beaten up, tying other people up, being pissed on while singing the national anthem, whatever, it's all good as long as it stays in the bedroom and I don't have to hear about it, but the lingo makes me want to push every "kinster" off a fucking bridge.

Don't you have to pay to DM these people shit? I tried this once when DMs were free and it was just roasties or kids in high school.

Is this a higher level deepfake?

They were editing photos in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe turned them in. It's been reported.

>pizzagates not real
>no i swear user
>please stop looking into it

Attached: 72ab81695c0d6a80040377535da88d9d.jpg (1125x1471, 126.66K)

never admit to something like this!

Women don't have morals of their own. Instead, they'll adopt the moral compass of whatever man they're currently attracted to. It's why so many of them help their pedo/criminal partners

Attached: 1616879480847.jpg (465x659, 39.79K)

the police recieved a tip and raided the house and found evidence, the tip was for other sexual shit they did, they also raped and taped kids

Yeah, a tip from Adobe, just search for it, it's like the first result.

The fucking gigantic forehead on that bitch.

Nice link nigger

There is nothing but kikes and asians in this photo

i really dont know if your trolling or not



i cant find adobe anywhere,

Everyone fucks children. It's normal human behavior. We've been doing it for thousands of years.

Attached: pederasty_2.jpg (800x727, 116.04K)

Not sure if they got arrested for the other shit (cp, video voyeurism, etc.) and then the wife just volunteered the cupcake incident afterward as part of a plea deal?

All teachers are subhuman animals. Pol Pot did nothing wrong when he had them dragged into fields and shot.

>teacher and policeman
oh those wonderful heros that we all need to honor!