It's over

Did they ever have a chance?

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No, because violence is bad optics. Jews told me so.

i'm happy the adults are in charge. they put that childish "protest" down. you guys are made you can't scream the N word and harass children for wearing masks

fuck the righ

Is this canadas occupy wall street?

This protest has shown me that Canada is dead, I no longer have the least bit respect for this country. I respect good conservative White folk, but Canada? Fuck this shithole.

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>It's over...
it only beginning

"muh optics" killed it

i was told by someone at the protest that she said the "n word"

so she deserves it fuck her

it's literally almost over

boog is coming

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Fr fr

ZOG never loses.

Imagine just quietly getting followed home and vanished by glow niggers after these failed events.

this, we don't welcome heckin racist and heckin anti semites into our movement.

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Bring us guns and ammo.

I'm just waiting for the day the White ethnostate is created so I can move there. Then and only then will I have a country I can be proud of.

She looks native, OKA incoming.

pretty much. first day you think something important will happen, then as the week progresses you realize its nothing but a harmless wet fart full of faggot cosplayers taking selfies wearing their Canada flag cape


Another unemployed, over weight, chain smoking drunk from Alberta wants to change the government with "muh truck". lol Nice to see him dripping in blood.

will never happen. there are several powerful international organizations created for the sole purpose of destroying white civilization

what do they expect? fuck with the government you will be run over by a horses

you love to see it, you really do

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Then I'll die stateless.

Nobody does that you retard. And nothing is over. Trudeau is getting more and more hated by the day and the whole planet is getting redpilled as fuck. Move to North Korea you protocommie mongoloid!

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Fuck off chink. You are a shame to Canada. I hope all yellow niggers swing on a lamppost soon.

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dangerously based

seething trucker

Ok reddit

Wasted trips. Lick boots nigger.

all my firends in canada love what just happened. they are happy those truckers were forced to stop.

the adults walked into the room and told the children to stfu

Commies truckers btfo.
Capitalism wins yet again.
Seethe and cope.

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Yeah, fuck him. Holding the city of Ottawa hostage because he doesn't like Trudeau??? Fuck him and fuck you nigger

Does no one understand that this is how protests work? It is a PR campaign, you make your enemies into the bad guys by goading them into attacking people the general public can identify with. That's MLK, Ghandi and even Mandela. They just trampled an old lady with a walker possibly to death. It's all on film. Don't you think that this might influence some people to have a worse opinion of the canadian left? It is going perfectly (sorry grandma). You retards would've enacted violence, made yourself the bad guys and increased support for the state. You can't have a revolution out of nowhere, these things need to be built. Traditionally this requires famines and wars.

Maybe they'll finally learn that violence is the only solution

Nothing is over you drooling mongoloid. Kill yourself.

Yo I haven't been paying attention
Wtf happened?

Coping faggot.

Exactly. These 4chin morons think that all of Canada is behind the truckers. The only think all of Canada is behind is why it took 4 fucking weeks to crack some fucking skulls.

yea but no one said there would be police horses! someone could get hurt!

>Don't you think that this might influence some people to have a worse opinion of the canadian left?
Only right wingers. Cucks gonna cuck no matter what.

Lmao. The cops trampled another commie. Seethe and cope nigger.

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It is not but it is the solution to fucking up Ottawa with "muh truck"

Your time is coming too nigger. I bet you can feel it in the air. Get your neck ready for the righteous rope. Your ass won't be spared because of all nigger sins you committed.

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>Getting this demoralized so quickly
Ask me how I know you didn't go to a single protest this entire time.

You are the blackest darkest niggerest asshole on the planet lol

Lead the way then, "comrade".

Because I'm not a trucker and don't live in Ottawa?

all chuds are truckers, just like all blacks are niggers.

Fuck you you dirty filthy stinky trucker.

Neither am I, yet I spent every weekend at a protest. There was more than one, you know. This is why you are still susceptible to the state propaganda.

>Caring what normies think
The American revolution was also unpopular among normies

That' just not how it works. If you get people angry enough suddenly there's another million voters participating and the entire game changes. You will see, this is a catastrophe for their left. So random that this overreaction occured in Canada, all he had to do was talk to them, they would've gone full normie with a few small concessions, like being treated with dignity.

>Ask me how I know
ask me how I know that your wife looks like this

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You know what you ought to do, Canada man.

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Yes. Thank goodness. Never was a good idea. Fighting mandates that are temporary anyways, all so pointless.

>all my imaginary firends
Here, I've fixed it for you. Yes, everyone do knows that no one like you.

Not only is she Native, but a Mohawk to top it off

no. Why do we have to keep going over remedial stuff for newfigs.

Projection, most like.

I want you to say these words to my face before I chop your head off chink. I will also put your slant eyed head on a spike before I light my cig.

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>all my firends

Kek. reddit nigger is scared.

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>i just reported your post for violence
Yea and I'd kill your ass for a nickle.
I got my 9mm in my pocket right now faggot supreme why don't you report me too.
I know how to get around a ban in about 30 seconds. Not that I'd tell you.

The American revolution was orchestrated by a small group of land owning leftist aristocrats, organized from within the Masonic lodges. It was about seizing power from the crown for themselves, it was never a populist uprising of "the people".

You know you are not on your hugging box for retards, right?

You don't understand how Canada works. The government brings in another million immigrants every year and they all vote for the left. And Canadian cucks are genuine cucks who vote for anything against their interests.

Enjoy the warning for announcing your report you fucking tard
Nice it got deleted, know your place smooth brain.

Why dont they just protests on horse back with guns? Whats the government going to do then?