Why are Asians so rude to whites

What's their problem?

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Imferiority complex

There's only one non-white person in that image

...they are not? At least over here. If they are rude to canadians, it might as well be well deserved? No idea. But many canadians on Any Forums are pretty rude themselves.

They dont rike you


You mean if you go to Asia? They're rude because you're a foreigner

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A lot of us have an inferiority complex. Many such cases.

Honestly every Asian I've met is cool except the woke, Americanized girls. Who claim they hate white people but only date white guys

They say shit behind your back in ching Chong. Trust me

Women. I swear.

We do. What are you going to do about it.

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Where does your family hail from?


>What are you going to do about it
Send tyrone to beat your ass

I banged a chinese chick and she invited me to visit her family. I went there and didn't speak a single word of chinese, got toured around, got to see the great wall, terracotta army, and pounded her in her childhood bedroom. her family was friendly to me, fed me expensive crabs, all the old folks played a drinking game with me where we tried to see how many spirits I could chug. needless to say I won their respect that night getting drunk and fucked my girlfriend some more. never had a single time an asian was rude to me

hang on, i need to make a call to a friend

Attached: kim-jong-un-phone.jpg (1600x1099, 835.93K)

question: why are koreans?

for example

One time I was on youtube, and I saw an advertisement from an Asian advocacy group called "Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles". It was an animated cartoon, and I decided to watch the entire thing because I was curious. The commercial showed Asian Americans being harassed by clear translucent persons. They never specifically called them "white", but I think they made that artistic choice for a specific reason. They were advocating filming these people committing hate incidents and doxing them online.

So, I decided to do some more research into this group. I went to their website and looked their annual reports to see who was funding this organization. Guess what I found?

The organization is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Open Society Foundations. The same NWO tax-exempt foundations that have been and continue to fund all the BLM adjacent organizations.

"2018 Donors & Supporters*
$1,000,000 +
New Americans Campaign (funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, Democracy Fund, Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Grove Foundation, Houston Endowment, JPB Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Sapelo Foundation, and Wallace H. Coulter Foundation) (in collaboration with Immigrant Legal Resource Center) (’17-’19)"


Link to the cartoon advertisement:

Attached: AdvancingJusticeLA.png (2100x800, 241.93K)

They're just grossed out with how fat we are. They act the same way to Mexicans.

not have sex with you

So, I go their youtube channel to see if I can find any more content about them, and I click on a random video. There's this Asian woman named Connie Chung Joe who is talking about what "allies" can do for the Asian American community. However, she quickly emphasized that she didn't want people to advocating for increased law enforcement patrols because that will lead to overcriminalization of other communities of color particularly the black community. Instead, she wants to the focus to be on uniting with other minority groups so that they can collectively fight against their shared enemy of white supremacy. I'm not making this up. I'll post the link below.

Almost every single one of these racial advocacy groups and NGOs are funded by the same NWO tax-exempt foundations and think tanks. If you do any kind of hard research into their donors and partners, you will find the following names appear again and again: the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Tides Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and many more.


Attached: opensocietyfoundations.jpg (1024x867, 54.51K)


Some are desperate for attention in the age of identity politics. Others get convinced by the niggers fucking them in the ass


Pretentious, subservient personality types.

Like most "cultured" people in America, the best they can muster is a pompous attitude, and air of importance.

Make a new thread. Might redpill some toursists.