HAPPENING!!! 33 Chilean miners trapped in mine

Thirty-three men, trapped 700 meters (2,300 ft) underground and 5 kilometers (3 mi) from the mine's entrance via spiraling underground ramps. Authorities are not sure whether or not the miners are currently alive.

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Not my problem

They knew the risk

Not my problem

They knew the risk

again? didn't we have a chilen miner situation not too long ago? goddamit chile get your shit together

Dont care.

>You HAVE to care about the heckin' beanerinos, because... because you just DO, OKAY?!

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You couldn’t bribe me with the most pristine virgin pussy to go 50 feet below the earth let alone 3 miles.

Dios mio

I don't think Pedro knew the risk.

that's like blaming someone for getting killed by a drunk driver when driving

Fucking kike

Lol the writers of this clown world are all out of fucking ideas. Just end it already

Seems like this happens pretty frequently.

Look all those indios

they probably voted for that commie fag in the last election, let 'em rot..

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Maybe 33 little trees will sprout?

If only.
I would go back specifically to kill OP before he makes this stupid slide thread.

A good day for the Spanish Empire.

Again? Didn't this happen a few years ago?

So 2022 is just a repeat of 2010? I predict the will be successfully rescued in 69 days.

I don’t give a fuck about 33 Chileans as is, you think I care about 33 being stuck in a mine, nigger?

t. Big hearted Israeli


They smoke some shit before going down, they are constantly high.

Didn't we already do this one?

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Masonic sacrifice confirmed

half of them look bolivian the rest look like a mix of chilean and peruvian wtf? northern chile moment

Silver prices spiking when?!

Didn’t we already do this?

>FBI most wanted page
>Race: White

Bet they make a movie called "33".

Franklin Lobos looks like Gargamel, kek.

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