So if I understand this correctly

So if I understand this correctly

The general consensus among human beings is that consciousness is some type of manifestation or creation or by product of the actual reality in which we find ourselves in.
the universe experiencing itself facebook meme

A large portion of humanity believes that human beings are inherently destructive, manipulative, violent and ( moral dilemma arguments aside ) what some might refer to as evil.

Because of this perceived inheritance, the connection is then made that if consciousness is the extension of reality itself and we are simply imposing its will then it must be that nature itself is what one might refer to as evil and/or natural.
The argument is then made that anything outside of this is what some might consider un natural and is therefore condemned to a perversion of the perceived " original " or natural consciousness of reality that which imposes its will on the human being.

And the other portion of humanity believes exactly the opposite. How could we possible know who is right?

If the first argument is true , then why is the human being capable of what one might call good? If the second argument is true then why is the human being capable of what one might call evil?

Both sides will say that the other is a perversion but both will agree they are a manifestation of reality, then who is right?

You see this power struggle play out in a politics and as a larp on this message board.

If one is able to help someone , and we are simply the manifestation of the reality we live in, then this must be true. If someone is able to hurt someone then this too must also be true.
If one cannot exist without the other then how could one side ever possibly claim to be right?
Is this simply the purpose of human beings is to decide?

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Bump for schizo

>why can we do good?
we are imagebearers of God
>why can we do evil?
our fallen nature

freem*son recruitment thread

sweet how do I join?

"behold they have become like God knowing Good and Evil"
That's the problem.
Christ is King.

but the exact same opposing argument can be made and is technically just as valid

are they....both right?

Life at all and by extension consciousness is just entropy speedbumps

The argument is a product of our Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Our Knowledge of Good and Evil was usurped from God Himself.
Only He has the authority to say which is which but we arrogantly think we can tell the difference.
This is why we die.
Read Genesis 3.
Christ is King

care to elborate?

I understand the implication and I guess that separates one side from the other instead of being a complete mirror image of each other.

One says only god has the authority to determine what is right and wrong and the other says satan said we could eat cake for breakfast and god isnt my real dad. I think I understand it better now

holy shit I think im retarded


Not really.
The universe "wants" to keep existing though all matter and energy is doomed to eventually fizzle out.
My guess is that if we get onboard with the facebook tier meme of consciousness being the universe observing itself, we can expand that to organized systems like life that seek self preservation stall entropy locally be consolidating matter and energy.

We can then expand that to advanced consciousness seeking long term self preservation by attempting to reverse entropy altogether.

Why is simultaneity so difficult for humans like you to hold in your mind?

You're just asking if free will is a thing or not.

I don't know. Go ask stefan molymeme.

That makes sense, but is honestly obligatory and doesn't really have anything to do with the topic.

Your first statement was poopoo

>free will bad
Next slide thread.

I dont know you tell me brother

sort of not really though, its more or less conceptualizing free will as an eternal struggle between these forces and asking what is right if there is a right at all

>Both sides will say that the other is a perversion but both will agree they are a manifestation of reality, then who is right?
For the most part, it's a false dichotomy. They both are. Both impose their subjective ethoi on reality, both manifest the result. The choice between one or the other doesn't really have much bearing on whether the result is real or not. "Evil" does exist. "Good" does exist. As somebody who favors one over the other, I don't claim the other to be a perversion, I just know it's antithetical to what I believe; it's nature, irrelevant.
>Is this simply the purpose of human beings is to decide?
It's not the only purpose, but certainly A purpose.

Consciousness is just your brain trying to make sense of the world. You are just an animal, a natural byproduct of evolution. Good and evil are just concepts that your brain makes up to try to categorize things that are good for your animal or bad (evil) for your animal.

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cool dude, what purpose if any at all do you think that these so called ethoi these have if any at all?

>sort of not really though, its more or less conceptualizing free will as an eternal struggle between these forces and asking what is right if there is a right at all

You're asking if humans can separate themselves from reality or not. If not, then we're not responsible and can't pervert reality or commit evil. If yes, we responsible can can pervert reality and commit evil.

It's a free will question.

That's an interesting take but doesn't really make a whole lot of sense unless you invert what you said.

If i have a piece of bread and im hungry , and there is someone who is also hungry and has no bread , if i rip my bread in half to give it to him one might consider that as good. It is not good for me because now I only have half as much bread as I had before.

Even an 80 yo's ass can look good in the right pants. I bet you that her ass will fall down to her knees the second you take off those pants. Ugly face too, by the way. Two decades past the wall.

imagine believing this

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but that's just it , what I am trying to illustrate is that it is like a water faucet, while you are the one responsible for turning one of two spigots, what comes out of the actual faucet itself is not of your own device and is actually the manifestation of one of the aforementioned greater concepts of good and evil

Ethics, morality, mores, (or the lack of/opposite of) guide our actions antecedently. They provide the impetus, motive, reason to act and what those actions are and, ultimately, result in. Without, we have paralysis, indecision, inaction.