Black Male suicides rising faster than any other racial group!!!!

Wtf?? Why are bbcs killing themselves all of sudden? Suicide is a white boy thing. Black men don't take the cowardly way out. What in the hell could be causing this????

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Understanding that nothing but prisons were built for their bbcs

middle aged white men have been the highest suicide group for decades and they'll never ever acknowledge it

They realized America isn't run by white supremacists because Asians make more money than whites. Now they have to look in the mirror.

The cocktail of hormones in water, micro plastics in food and the hopelessness of our time have permeated even their more primitive mind.

Pity for them and for us

suicide by cop doesnt count

It's probably because they were given more office jobs. Welcome to dreamland ladies and gents. Was it everything you hoped it would be?

They can’t have our women. Stay away.

>rising faster
>jumped from 50 to 100 a year
omg 100% increase??!!!

>white men jumped from 50,000 to 60,000
not a problem, it only rose by 20%

They don't call it suicide. The cops are calling it "mutual combatants". This is one thing that places like Chicago are doing a really good job of. I definitely support it.

This is great. More niggers need to kill themselves

Because as whites adopt black mannerisms, figures of speech, dress style, accent, etc - the difference between blacks and whites becomes increasingly apparent.
Blacks are not social people. They have no respect for other blacks, they have no real friends that arent on a superficial and vapid level, they dont get laid by hot women, they struggle to keep up in work in this white mans world, and frankly, they just are not meant to live in this oppressive and anti-human world.
Every meme you get told about black people is a lie.
The whole shuck and jive thing is so superficial, to the point where you might as well not even talk to people if you are speaking in this pre made cliches.
Black men are suffering. Dont let Any Forums take away your empathy for people, regardless of what race they were born. Its not their fault were in this mess together.

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This is unironically sad.
Don't give up, blackbros.
Giving up is for pussies.

Suicide requires self reflection. They probably just shuffled black on black killings into the suicide category because people might have a lightbulb moment about niggers

They need Christ

Attached: Reject the modern world.jpg (720x738, 137.14K)

I think it has gone up because they would commit suicide before by cop but their culture has changed.

It’s frequently acknowledged, they just don’t care and some of them are very happy about it.

You had one job nigger

checked go shuck some nigger dick faggot

most black deaths are suicide simply by being too stupid to do the rational act of surviving.
>pulling guns on cops
>kicking each others milk crates
>ripping live copper wires
the list goes on.

>Dont let Any Forums take away your empathy for people
A mount of evidence can't be discarded, you kike puppet goy.
Never seen a nigger (american african) in my whole life yet I despise them more than a poor white guy having the misfortune to live in Detroit.

Good. The only suicide statistic I actually don't feel bad about

Oh please, white bois blow their brains out over the most trivial of things. In point, there is just no comparison. Black boys and black men have it way worst. Black boys are told by the greater society from day one that they are violent, have low iqs, and are inherently doomed for failure. That's a level of real dehumanization that white men have never experienced.


> Black Male suicides rising faster than any other racial group
we did it reddit!

They're dating white women.


you need to get in the thread earlier if you want to bait properly. view the catalog by creation like a proper shill

Attached: beyond_bait.jpg (828x480, 105.94K)

Rabbi, Is that you?

How do we do jews next?

Fucking kek

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My dick is hard for this

It is the ones who understand the fate of their race. The smart ones.

Dont be happy, rest will become even more feral.

I think all men should start helping each other, even if we're all racists, I still have more in common with a nigger than with a white woman.

gang violence

>nigger lover
Fuck off faggot

lol tongue my anus then kys nigger hahahahaha

Higher! Higher! Higher!


Sounds like fake news to me. This is how they are going address the "loser man" problem plaguing society, they will target niggers only and leave whites in the dust of society.

They were always higher than whites. Anti racists covered up the truth top Male jmgrablacks look good.

Negros have the highest rate of homosexuality and trannyism, so naturally their self-deletion rates were bound to rise.

Attached: nigga-you-gay-riley-version_o_2020877.jpg (628x460, 47.09K)