A question for men, if any exist on here

What is your line in the sand? Is there one? Search your soul. They're already seizing your money. They're already banning free speech. They're already throwing you in jail for crimes they made up on the spot. They're already granting themselves emergency powers, banning any vote on the legitimacy of those powers, and then declaring those powers permanent. They passed a statue in Canada which specifically bans White people from protesting the government. There is no democracy there now, only marketing which says they're a democracy.

Is there anything they could do to you where you'd finally say you've had enough? And don't say gun confiscation because we both know that's not true.

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the line has already been crossed.

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>yo dawg, that's good shit

well, gun confiscation is actually a fair line. if they are grabbing you know what comes after that, they'll probably kill you on the spot with your own weapon after they seize it. it's your duty to take as many of them with you as you can. you might even get lucky and make it out alive, it's not like they have the manpower to overwhelm everybody.

The line is if they cut off either my tendies or my ability to LARP as a badass far-rightist on Any Forums. If they cut off my ability to shitpost and I have to face the fact that my preferred political side is made up almost entirely of LARPing losers who are being easily cucked out of everything that they hold dear, then I might just register a strongly worded protest somewhere on Reddit. Or maybe I'll buy some guns. I'll never use them in defense of my principles because that would entail actual risk, but I might go post some photos of them so that other powerless anons admire my collection of metal.

im fine with licking boots and all but let me tell you what, if they ever ask me to suck on their toes That's it buddy That's where i draw the line for real this time. ok toe sucking is fine but only if i don't have eat thier smelly socks first thats the line that it, that's when i get mad. well actually.....

That's more or less what I'm getting at. It's obvious democracy does not exist in the West anymore, but people apparently do not care so democracy is not something they consider worth fighting for anymore. Basically they're spitting on the sacrifices of everyone that came before them by being cowards. So instead they LARP and play dress up about how, one day, they'll definitely strike back at their oppressors. But they never organize, they certainly never plan, and they definitely don't want to risk anything. So it's just pretend. They could still go to jail for pretending though, look what happened to the Jan 6 larpers. Even posting about it on twitter got people zogged.

So what is the line in the sand for you, if one even exists? Because I'm pretty sure a Zogbot squad could door kick anyone reading this, kill everyone inside the house including your kids, your dog, and your grandparents, take a shit on their corpses and laugh on the way out, and the most anyone would do is just complain on social media. Maybe post a little webm 20 people will see.

what i am supposed to do user go out and kill people
i adovocate for sedition daily but literally nobody else in the dc area cares
i wish we could just go and minecraft these people but we cant without numbers
and they will just call us terrorist
the only hope if if the russians invade us or like
some arab country lol
and the arabs are worse than us
i dont trust the russians either putins a gangster

they already took my gun illegally
my glownigger stepdad stole it
probably gonna frame me for a crime with it
i bought a fire axe these people will have to kill me

>What is your line in the sand?
that's for me to know and you to never reach.

im not larping im actually a psycho the only thing keeping me docile is weed and no followers
if i had followers guns and power these people would be dead
im not joking fucking arrest me
oh wait they cant cuz i have a constitutional right to call for a revolt when foreigners control the government
these people have to respect free will they are demons and flee at the first sign of real resistance
humans are just weak as fuck you people sicken me im a autistic femboy i just wanna do cute shit and you people made me have to be like this cuz there are no real men

normies are allgoing to hell user literally unsavable
thats why they are like that god literally gave them to satan like they asked him to

if they do that im no longer in a body
then i can go kill their masters in the astral realm ever wonder why killing is their last resort
im a ti they wont kill me lol

The world has too many layers, too many degrees of separation. We won't get close to the people who work for the people who work for the people who serve the people that want to do us harm. And each generation adds another degree.

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>What is your line in the sand?

They turn off the internet so I can't distract myself with shitty sites like this one.

user i live 20 minutes from comet pizza my aunt knows paul ryan and im connected family and marriage wise in other ways
they took my gun because they know id just go minecraft some important person
i could literally get in the room with the ex speaker of the house
0 point doing anyhing to him tho hes a retired sellout kike
pretty sure my family are satanists tho or at least deep staters

Hurt my wife.

The only thing missing is a charismatic white male leader good at speech-making. Chink Jew Globohomo knows that, so they made every step that could create him "illegal". What they do not know is this will not work, he is the Tao, and he will arise the moment the Tao says it is time for him to, no matter what they do to interfere with that. And when he does there will be hell to pay. His rise is imminent.

>what i am supposed to do user go out and kill people
Obviously no. But it's pretty clear hopium/voteium ain't gonna do shit. The people in power don't care about democracy, so why would they care about your vote? They'll just rig it. People need to start organizing into more permanent groups or you're just going to be a paralyzed "individual" when Uncle Zog comes a-knockin'. A neo-Continental Congress would be a good start.

You don't protest a tyrannical government.

>all of that effort for nothing
Get fucked

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boredom is definitely the line

people would fuck shit up for entertainment

>do they fuck my kids?
>do they fuck my wife?
>do they fuck me?
it's a pretty standard line

No there is no line. Do not use violence under any circumstances. Let the police beat and arrest you, let them take your children then the world will see how they treat peaceful protesters

And how does this work in the alphabet "we will find you, unmask you, and destroy you" battlefield we're in with big tech?

Honestly, I don't know what my line in the sand is. The last 10 years have made me deeply cynical. I don't believe in any political movement whatsoever. I'm basically just out for myself. On the other hand, I don't want the US to turn into an authoritarian shithole like Russia, the country that I was born in. So there must be some line in the sand. What complicates matters for me is that I do not want either the left or the right to seize all power. Unlike many anons here, I have no desire for muh right-wing authoritarianism. I am a liberal. That's an unpopular thing to say here but fuck it. I am a liberal. I fight against both progressive authoritarianism and far-right authoritarianism.

lol see user this is where i know something you dont
these kikes that run our planet are losers
they are a paper tiger
the problem on earth isnt the cabal
its that normies are just worthless scum
im under the same mind contral as them but i resist
why ?
becuase im better than them
straight up
even a dog outranks the average human and dogs will sell you out for food lmao

My life isn't affected by any of the glowniggers being dumb in cities hundreds of miles from me.
The line in the sand is when they start coming from my city or if they did some shit like try and draft me.

By then you won't be able to do shit other than submit and beg on your knees.

The muh right wing people are shills\larpers\children. Besides people very new here from reddit or elsewhere, I belive the vast majority understand how fucked politics are.

>memeflag tranny thinks I won't do shit
Cross the line and find out buddy boy :)
until then I WILL eat tendies and laugh at you

Do what exactly? Get your life fucked by the state?

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If that’s true- use your connections to play the game, don’t lose sight of your morals, and create a following as you accrete power and donors.

Imagine if a popular congressmen stood up today and actually dropped all the red pills. It would be, ironically, even more useful if it was a Democrat since it would damage the forced Normie perception of there being a real choice between muh political parties.

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You don't organize on social media, obviously. The Continental Congress was just low-tier legislators, thought leaders, businessmen, ex-soldiers, and the general disaffected. There's plenty of those lying around today. They had a specific gravity though, namely hating the British crown, and they organized to counter it without being on twitter. The whole purpose of their meetings were "how are we going to counter these motherfuckers?" They didn't demand glowie ops or the like. But they gave a strong foundation to what would eventually become resistance, because resistance was eventually proven necessary. You do not want to be an individual in full totalitarianism. Had the Continental Congress not existed, the British would have just bulldozed everyone.

That's basically what the West needs right now. A group of intelligent motivated men who aren't afraid of their government