There was a thread about Montessori schools last night filled with schizos saying that it's a satanic cult for the...

There was a thread about Montessori schools last night filled with schizos saying that it's a satanic cult for the leadership class and their children. The truth is far worse. Because Montessori education is superior, millionaires want to keep it for themselves while the rest of goi polloi get sent to mind-circumcision camps in a Prussian-style education system.

People who dismiss Montessori schools betray their ignorance.

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You don't have to be a millionaire to afford Montessori. I pay about $500 a month for my son's education.

kek. Montessori schools are basic bitch private. Any reasonable working-class family can send their kids there (or a Waldorf school). The real redpill is that the truly powerful put their kids in kindergartens with 6 figure annual tuitions. They send them to elite boarding schools that cost more than most homes. You will never be able to break into the ranks of the masters without becoming one yourself. That said, if you went to a Montessori academy, I'm sorry. Those places are spaghetti factories.

I think Montessori should have stayed in her kitchen for good.

It's a mixed bag. Montessori methods are fine for some students, but not for all.
And far worse is that most Montessori teachers are retarded women who make a kind of cargo cult of it, because they lack the talent to teach.

Ignorant sour grapes wrote this post.

I'm sorry you feel that way, user. You're right too. Your life will be much better served by ignoring the practical advice I gave you, and instead believing that millionaires send their children to Montessori academies because their curriculum is vastly superior to that of elite private schools.

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I didn't ignore your "advice." I rejected it.

And I'm not insulting you; I'm just calling you a "faggot".

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If you insist.
Everyone should have the opportunity to go to a Montessori school. There is nothing special about curricula at boarding schools that can't be learned elsewhere. They mostly serve to foster connections with other elites.

>montessori is a woman that started schools during 1st wave feminism
I guarantee you its basically a girls empowerment and boys castration school system...I will research it...

I'm privately educated. There is no comparison between the teachers at private schools and Montessori. I do not want my kid to be molested by some warped dyke that can't get a job elsewhere.

it was free for me in austria (=

That mixed raced mutt will turn out shitty regardless of education

>started by a woman, likely a feminist
That alone is enough to make me keep my children away from it. She doesn't have to be a satanist; she's a woman.

>I will research it
please do

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Well, here we go, shes basically a feminist that was isolated from the boys because women distract men. She then made boys and girls study together and REMOVED TESTING AND INSERTED THE OPINION OF THE FEMALE TEACHER ABOUT THE CHILD AS A GRADING MECHANISM.

Basically female teachers can now fuck boys over because there is no objective testing. Is the boy hyperactive? Better give him methamfetamine. Is he too focused and doesnt socialize with the girls? He has autism and needs to be put in the retard class.

AAAnd: its jewish

During her life, Montessori's critics would say that she introduced nothing new and her principles were in use as far back as Quintilian.
Montessori admitted this was true and properly raised the issue of why these principles are so often forgotten.

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There's really nothing special about the curriculum of almost any place. What matters most is the type of kid who is attempting to assimilate it. While wealthy boarding schools ARE about connections, they also benefit from the fact that the students there had access to better resources (and possibly even better genetics) growing up. It's not like fucking Hogwarts. That's one of the primary reasons for the insane tuitions: they are simple but effective barrier to entry. You should ask what the barrier to entry for Montessori schools is and then work forward from there. Honestly, if you don't have $100,000+ to blow on a private education for EACH of your children every year, your best bet is to live in a friendly, safe rural community with plenty of other kids, and just homeschool. Civics and ethics are the basis for any education, and those are only taught to you by your family.

You know how college and schooling has so much propaganda bullshit in it that doesnt help you with what you want to do later in life?
Thats montessori.
Its basically a jewish fat woman that hated her fellow schoolboys and set up a system to mix them with girls and give female teachers the power to grade boys not based on written tests but on stuff like "effort" and "playing well with fellow kids" and "being nice and social and sharing like a communist".

Remember how your elementary school rapport had categories like "effort" and "friendliness" and gay shit like that that you always scored bad/mediocre on while girls always had a 10/10? Thats montessori.

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There was a Dutch user last night who said Montessori is available to everyone in the Netherlands. I'm surprised you know nothing about it. Even the global HQ for Montessori is in Amsterdam.
Montessori was Roman Catholic.

>You should ask what the barrier to entry for Montessori schools is and then work forward from there.
Sound advice.
Thank you.

You might want to look up "explosion into writing" and the reason why Montessori became famous in the first place.
She would not have become a global celebrity in the late 19th century, if what you said were true.