Redpill me on the fact a great percentage of Orthodox Jews in America live below the poverty line

Redpill me on the fact a great percentage of Orthodox Jews in America live below the poverty line.

>The vast majority of its residents are Yiddish-speaking Hasidic Jews who belong to the worldwide Satmar Hasidic sect.
>According to 2008 census figures, the village has the highest poverty rate in the nation. More than two-thirds of the residents live below the federal poverty line, and 40% receive food stamps.,_New_York

Also most Orthodox Jews are republican, while most Jews in general are democrat.

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They refuse to work?

False. They have ton of gold hiden in them houses. Because they're sneaky jews.

>Own business that makes 40k in profit
>Owe ~6k in taxes
>Spend 6k and claim it went towards business
>Pay no taxes
>Spend another 20k and claim its for the business
>Can't claim deductions but can now claim you're living in poverty
>Get paid and fed by the state to lie on your taxes

wikipedia sauce hahaha, there was a jew couple on Long Island about 10 years ago, the kind of real estate millionaires you see in the paper, busted for collecting food stamps

They also said it in a youtube video about Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn that a large percentage of them are below the poverty line.

Well how else are you going to scam the system?

>According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 53% of haredim are below the poverty line

pretend to be

No, it's figures from the central bureau of statistics

They are basically amish jews, but in urban areas.
Their men read the torah all day and more women works than men.
They have a big fertility rate of 5 to 7 chid

Because they genetically abhor work and are worse than niggers when lying for welfare?

>radio and internet are forbidden but calling a news hotline is ok
why are they so retarded?

They are all raped as children which make them hate themselves. They are the damaged goods of a sex cult.

They are part of a mind control cult, they do work and live in poverty while their leaders live in expensive houses, etc.


They say they are poor so they can get free stuff, and to keep that stuff away from people that really need it.

They’re blatantly lying about their income you stupid fucking faggot.

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I heard something about that before, might have been on handsome truth's stream.

They are not poor. They just don't report any of their income and the government does nothing about it.

this user disagrees

Because Orthadox only kind of suck whereas the Zionists are the real problem.