Men are out of control

What can be done to stop modern m*n from acting like filthy animals? We need new laws
Almost 40 and he’s acting like this. Disgusting

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Not my problem.

Basednds like a nigger so who cares

don't date shitty men? there are tons of great men out there, give them a change instead.

*give them a chance

He's a jew. You can't fix him. My lawyer is 43 years old. He's a perverted jew that picks up 21ish year old "women" and busts nuts right in them. The abortion process means nothing to a jew. He'll hit this woman back up after she is medically able to have sex again

>people in their 30s having teenage drama and getting abortions.
maybe that neoliberal utopia will come in clutch just before they die.

Lol she fucked a nigger.

don't fuck every guy who buys you dinner

problem solved

A great man isn't going to date a dumb roastie who fucks on the first date and has abortions, you retarded memeflag (redundant I know)

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LMAO it's truly over for women over 30. Let this be a lesson to the lurking roasties: You better marry a good man young because you're in for a world of hurt!

Regret. Many such cases. Sad

>Dates only assholes

>Complains all men are assholes

The eternal rostie

shes a whore though

lol i wasnt expecting the end of the story to be that she killed the baby

if she didnt care why did she expect that guy to?

by the time you are 30, you too will be shitty when you deal with women. they suck the life out of you.

>having casual sex and aborting her last chance at a child in 30s
kek even aside from being psychopathic subhumans they really just have no common sense at all. then again its better that they suffer in old age left with nothing but memories of their would-be children

>don't date shitty men?

Those are the men she's attracted to. She won't consider those tons of great guys because they're betas

The best way to punish a woman is through silence.

Kill yourself faggot

There are legitimately devilish people on this planet OP, all we can do is pray they drop dead and don’t come back

Women like that could have given me a chance. I'm nice, smart, kind, friendly. But they would rather get their pussy blown out by some entitled frat boy dark triad asshole.

When all you date is the same kind of guy in different packages, this is what you get.

>give them a change instead
>give me a chance, I'm nice! Please, I'm desperate*
ftfy filthy simp faggot

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peddit thread posters should be hanged

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This is the future women wanted. Maybe the guy saw all those tiktoks of women saying how COOL abortion was and that killing fetuses was AWESOME.

she wanted attention and sympathy, abortions also fuck women up mentally because it's act against nature itself to kill your own child. you can't be mentally healthy AND have had an abortion

These femcels on r/datingoverthirty and r/femaledatingstrategy think all men are trash because the only men willing to fuck them are low quality men. Why would 6 foot 6 pack 6 figure chad settle for an entitled infertile obese woman with a double digit body count?

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A broad over thirty having sex, let's dude drop a load in her, then she gets pregnant. She decides to abort the baby, maybe because of increased chances of Down Syndrome and other genetic defects, and he decides to move on and doesn't want any more to do with her.

And she acts surprised.

She's over thirty and isn't married. She's left-overs to start, she's a play toy, she gets treated accordingly, and she's astonished with the reality she created for herself. I hope her so-called "career" is worth it, the piece of paper with University of scrawled across the top, and framed with some cheap option from Staples nailed into the dry wall of her apartment brings her a sense of "accomplishment".

Well, she wanted independence, and she got it.

So, let's move on to the other thing that probably turned him off. She's murdering his child, regardless of his intentions, he's not interested in settling with a girl who would be a shitty mother. And it's hard to be a shittier mother than a mother who kills her own child.

So, in the trash bin you go for that alone.

Take pride in your so called "accomplishments" because you belong on the streets.

Sleep around and find out

wew imagine being in your 30s and getting an abortion, she is lucky to conceive anyway

> Doesn't care she she killed a child.
> He doesn't care about her.

Surprised Pickajew

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She's fucking 33 bruh. Her best bet is just becoming a single mother or finding a divorced dude with kids.


>hold him accountable

If he made more money she would have kept it

Pure evil


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>post-wall roasty surprised a chad pumped and dumped her

>condom broke
Sure thing sweety, you certainly didn't just get high and throw caution to the wind like 99% of rostoids regularly do. I also like that there is not a hint of moral/spiritual struggle over the "termination" itself, the only thing she laments is that her fee fees were not comforted by the guy she barely knows.

Glad I married young and never had to deal with such weirdos