Chuds will say
>something something fake Pfizer chairman something something CEO of CNN something Jews something niggers something
But in the real world outside of their hovel, covid causes lifelong cardiovascular disease

Antiscience antivaccine chuds BTFO yet again. Yet. Again.

Attached: E962D78A-7BE8-443E-98C2-29E4C327893F.jpg (1170x1360, 303.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>vaxxers will die within a year
>vaxxers will die in september
>vaxxers will die of heart disease
>vaxxers will die of heart attacks within 6 months
>vaxxers will have lifelong cardiovascular disease

Attached: cringe.gif (258x144, 795.11K)

I got nailed by Covid and I was fully vaxxed where does this put me

this i'd love to know as well, especially since they claim the heart issues affect mild cases as well

so vaccine stops you from catching covid?

Fat people have no right to concern over heart disease.

have you read the paper?

>Mild cases
>of heart failure

Go get your HIV test, vaxxie

Same thing is true for the Flu, you epic retard. I hope you're a shill instead of a stupid pawn, because at least shills get paid for being someone's bitch

>antivaccine chuds
How nice that the vaxxed do get the covid more then. So they can enjoy heart failures with side of their aids.

>covid causes
its the vax dude
you didnt think pharma was going to take the hit on their toxic jabs did you?

Oh so controlling for ALL OTHER VARIABLES, you have proof that vaccinated individuals catch covid “more”. That’s really cool I’m sure you have peer reviewed evidence which explicitly proves this.


>per 1000
>chart goes until 15
It seems to be well within the error margin.

You're going to choke to death from vaccine side-effects.

Good thing the vaccine is Safe And Effective so we can end the lockdowns!

Here’s a critique of the paper discussing what it does and does not show to balance out your shilling

>covid slightly increases your odds of dying
>so take this no-legal-liability, contents-are-a-trade-secret juice that increases your odds of dying even more

Attached: 1643496829407-pol.jpg (923x1774, 1.1M)

>unvaccinated will die within a year
>unvaccinated will die in september
>unvaccinated will die of heart disease
>unvaccinated will die of heart attacks within 6 months
>unvaccinated will have lifelong cardiovascular disease

still waiting chud.

Listen if that's the case I'm just going to continue with my life. I'd rather just fucking die than not be able to push myself while working out out of the fear of death.
Everyone is so removed from reality that they forget their own mortality. We won't live forever in flesh but I indeed on riding until the wheels fall off.

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>But in the real world outside of their hovel, covid causes lifelong cardiovascular disease
And you're dumb enough to turn your cells into a spike protein factory on a subscription basis
Don't forget this little gem
>SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

Idk man... You really gatta be careful about that...

Interesting that there were 1 hiv infected for both, what mean?

Enjoy aids AND myocarditis,shill

Attached: ren_ow.jpg (1200x796, 128.97K)

Theres still a month left of the winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated. Dont get too cocky.

Funny how myocarditis, pericarditis, blood cloths, NPC reboots, etc. all became a thing after the vaccine started being rolled out

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>covid did it
>not the vaccine

Spanish flu, that you?

Blood test before and after vaxxing

Imagine still thinking covid is real

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basically I'm not going to read any of this, still not taking it lol